protected boolean isInconsistent(ChecksumActivity checksum) {
SPath path = checksum.getPath();
IFile file = path.getFile();
if (!checksum.existsFile()) {
* If the checksum tells us that the file does not exist at the
* host, check whether we still have it. If it exists, we do have an
* inconsistency
return file.exists();
* If the checksum tells us, that the file exists, but we do not have
* it, it is an inconsistency as well
if (!file.exists()) {
return true;
FileEditorInput input = new FileEditorInput(file);
IDocumentProvider provider = EditorManager.getDocumentProvider(input);
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
log.warn("Could not check checksum of file " + path.toString());
return false;
try {
IDocument doc = provider.getDocument(input);
// if doc is still null give up
if (doc == null) {
log.warn("Could not check checksum of file " + path.toString());
return false;
if ((doc.getLength() != checksum.getLength())
|| (doc.get().hashCode() != checksum.getHash())) {
"Inconsistency detected: %s L(%d %s %d) H(%x %s %x)", path
.toString(), doc.getLength(),
doc.getLength() == checksum.getLength() ? "==" : "!=",
checksum.getLength(), doc.get().hashCode(), doc.get()
.hashCode() == checksum.getHash() ? "==" : "!=",