// the seedcount is the maximum number of wanted results
if (seedDB == null) { return null; }
// put in seeds according to dht
final Map<String, yacySeed> regularSeeds = new HashMap<String, yacySeed>(); // dht position seeds
yacySeed seed;
Iterator<yacySeed> dhtEnum;
Iterator<byte[]> iter = wordhashes.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
selectDHTPositions(seedDB, iter.next(), redundancy, regularSeeds);
//int minimumseeds = Math.min(seedDB.scheme.verticalPartitions(), regularSeeds.size()); // that should be the minimum number of seeds that are returned
//int maximumseeds = seedDB.scheme.verticalPartitions() * redundancy; // this is the maximum number of seeds according to dht and heuristics. It can be more using burst mode.
// put in some seeds according to size of peer.
// But not all, that would produce too much load on the largest peers
dhtEnum = seedDB.seedsSortedConnected(false, yacySeed.ICOUNT);
int c = Math.max(Math.min(5, seedDB.sizeConnected()), wordhashes.size() > 1 ? seedDB.sizeConnected() * burstMultiwordPercent / 100 : 0);
while (dhtEnum.hasNext() && c-- > 0) {
seed = dhtEnum.next();
if (seed == null) continue;
if (seed.isLastSeenTimeout(3600000)) continue;
if (seed.getAge() < 1) { // the 'workshop feature'
Log.logInfo("DHT", "selectPeers/Age: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + ", is newbie, age = " + seed.getAge());
regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed);
if (Math.random() * 100 + (wordhashes.size() > 1 ? burstMultiwordPercent : 25) >= 50) {
if (Log.isFine("DHT")) Log.logFine("DHT", "selectPeers/CountBurst: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + ", RWIcount=" + seed.getWordCount());
regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed);
// create a set that contains only robinson peers because these get a special handling
dhtEnum = seedDB.seedsConnected(true, false, null, 0.50f);
Set<yacySeed> robinson = new HashSet<yacySeed>();
while (dhtEnum.hasNext()) {
seed = dhtEnum.next();
if (seed == null) continue;
if (seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) continue;
if (seed.isLastSeenTimeout(3600000)) continue;
// add robinson peers according to robinson burst rate
dhtEnum = robinson.iterator();
c = robinson.size() * burstRobinsonPercent / 100;
while (dhtEnum.hasNext() && c-- > 0) {
seed = dhtEnum.next();
if (seed == null) continue;
if (seed.isLastSeenTimeout(3600000)) continue;
if (Math.random() * 100 + burstRobinsonPercent >= 100) {
if (Log.isFine("DHT")) Log.logFine("DHT", "selectPeers/RobinsonBurst: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName());
regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed);
// put in seeds that are public robinson peers and where the peer tags match with query
// or seeds that are newbies to ensure that private demonstrations always work
dhtEnum = robinson.iterator();
while (dhtEnum.hasNext()) {
seed = dhtEnum.next();
if (seed == null) continue;
if (seed.isLastSeenTimeout(3600000)) continue;
if (seed.matchPeerTags(wordhashes)) {
// peer tags match
String specialized = seed.getPeerTags().toString();
if (specialized.equals("[*]")) {
Log.logInfo("DHT", "selectPeers/RobinsonTag: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + " grants search for all");
} else {
Log.logInfo("DHT", "selectPeers/RobinsonTag " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + " is specialized peer for " + specialized);
regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed);