try {
// getting the password
final String pkcs12ImportPwd = this.switchboard.getConfig("pkcs12ImportPwd", "").trim();
// creating tool to import cert
final PKCS12Tool pkcsTool = new PKCS12Tool(pkcs12ImportFile,pkcs12ImportPwd);
// creating a new keystore file
if (keyStoreFileName.length() == 0) {
// using the default keystore name
keyStoreFileName = "DATA/SETTINGS/myPeerKeystore";
// creating an empty java keystore
final KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
final FileOutputStream ksOut = new FileOutputStream(keyStoreFileName);, keyStorePwd.toCharArray());
// storing path to keystore into config file
this.switchboard.setConfig("keyStore", keyStoreFileName);
// importing certificate
pkcsTool.importToJKS(keyStoreFileName, keyStorePwd);
// removing entries from config file
this.switchboard.setConfig("pkcs12ImportFile", "");
this.switchboard.setConfig("keyStorePassword", "");