Examples of Demultiplexer

Examples of javax.media.Demultiplexer

      o = clazz.newInstance();

      if (o instanceof Demultiplexer)
        if (TRACE) logger.fine("PlugInUtility: Registering demultiplexer: " + className);
        final Demultiplexer oCast = (Demultiplexer) o;
        final ContentDescriptor[] contentDescriptors = oCast.getSupportedInputContentDescriptors();
        final Format[] formats = new Format[contentDescriptors.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < contentDescriptors.length; ++i)
          if (TRACE) logger.fine("\t" + contentDescriptors[i]);
          formats[i] = contentDescriptors[i];
        return new PlugInInfo(className, formats, new Format[] {}, PlugInManager.DEMULTIPLEXER);
      else if (o instanceof Codec)
        if (TRACE) logger.fine("PlugInUtility: Registering codec: " + className);
        final Codec oCast = (Codec) o;
        final Format[] inputFormats = oCast.getSupportedInputFormats();
        final Format[] outputFormats = oCast.getSupportedOutputFormats(null)// this is what JMRegistry does
        return new PlugInInfo(className, inputFormats, outputFormats, (o instanceof Effect) ? PlugInManager.EFFECT : PlugInManager.CODEC);
      else if (o instanceof Renderer)
        if (TRACE) logger.fine("PlugInUtility: Registering renderer: " + className);
        final Renderer oCast = (Renderer) o;
        final Format[] inputFormats = oCast.getSupportedInputFormats();
        return new PlugInInfo(className, inputFormats, new Format[] {}, PlugInManager.RENDERER);
      else if (o instanceof Multiplexer)
        if (TRACE) logger.fine("PlugInUtility: Registering Multiplexer: " + className);
        final Multiplexer oCast = (Multiplexer) o;
        // JMF Multiplexers always have nothing for the input formats.
        return new PlugInInfo(className, new Format[] {}, oCast.getSupportedOutputContentDescriptors(null), PlugInManager.MULTIPLEXER);
        logger.warning("PlugInUtility: Unknown or unsupported plug-in: " + o.getClass());
        return null;
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Examples of javax.media.Demultiplexer

        final String demuxClassName = (String) demuxs.get(i);
        if (TRACE) logger.fine("Demux class name found: " + demuxClassName);

        final Demultiplexer demux = (Demultiplexer) instantiate(demuxClassName);
        if (demux == null)
      } catch (IncompatibleSourceException e)
        logger.warning("Skipping demux " + demuxClassName + ": " + e);
      } catch (IOException e)
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Examples of javax.media.Demultiplexer

//            audio.getSupportedInputFormats(),
//            audio.getSupportedOutputFormats(null),
//                PlugInManager.CODEC);

      String FFMPEG_DEMUX = "com.omnividea.media.parser.video.Parser";
      Demultiplexer demux = (Demultiplexer) Class.forName(FFMPEG_DEMUX).newInstance();

        // Registering Sun MP3 plugin
//      String MP3 = "com.sun.media.codec.audio.mp3.JavaDecoder";
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