Examples of DefaultModification

Examples of org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.entry.DefaultModification

        List<Modification> modItems = new ArrayList<Modification>();

        Attribute attribute = new DefaultAttribute( schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "description" ) );
        attribute.add( "this is description" );

        Modification mod = new DefaultModification();
        mod.setOperation( ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE );
        mod.setAttribute( attribute );

        modItems.add( mod );
        modOpCtx.setModItems( modItems );

        modOpCtx.setDn( contextEntry.getDn() );

        partition.modify( modOpCtx );
        RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile( new File( partition.getPartitionPath() ), "r" );
        assertEquals( getEntryLdifLen( modOpCtx.getAlteredEntry() ), file.length() );

        // perform the above operation, this time without causing change to the entry's size
        modOpCtx = new ModifyOperationContext( mockSession );
        modOpCtx.setEntry( new ClonedServerEntry( contextEntry ) );

        modItems = new ArrayList<Modification>();

        attribute = new DefaultAttribute( schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "description" ) );
        attribute.add( "siht si noitpircsed" ); // reversed "this is description"

        mod = new DefaultModification();
        mod.setOperation( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE );
        mod.setAttribute( attribute );

        modItems.add( mod );
        modOpCtx.setModItems( modItems );

        modOpCtx.setDn( contextEntry.getDn() );

        partition.modify( modOpCtx );
        assertEquals( getEntryLdifLen( modOpCtx.getAlteredEntry() ), file.length() );

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry1.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry2 = createEntry( "dc=test,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry2.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        // now perform a modification on the entry present in middle of LDIF file
        modOpCtx = new ModifyOperationContext( mockSession );
        modOpCtx.setEntry( new ClonedServerEntry( entry1 ) );
        modOpCtx.setDn( entry1.getDn() );

        modItems = new ArrayList<Modification>();

        attribute = new DefaultAttribute( schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "description" ) );
        attribute.add( "desc of entry1" ); // reversed "this is description"

        mod = new DefaultModification();
        mod.setOperation( ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE );
        mod.setAttribute( attribute );

        modItems.add( mod );
        modOpCtx.setModItems( modItems );

        partition.modify( modOpCtx );

        long ctxEntryLen = getEntryLdifLen( contextEntry );
        long entry1Len = getEntryLdifLen( entry1 );

        file.seek( ctxEntryLen );

        byte[] entry1Data = new byte[( int ) entry1Len];

        file.read( entry1Data );

        String ldif = Strings.utf8ToString( entry1Data );

        LdifEntry ldifEntry = reader.parseLdif( ldif ).get( 0 );

        // Remove the EntryDN
        entry1.removeAttributes( "entryDn" );

        assertEquals( entry1, new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, ldifEntry.getEntry() ) );

        //"description: desc of entry1\n"

        modOpCtx = new ModifyOperationContext( mockSession );
        modOpCtx.setEntry( new ClonedServerEntry( entry1 ) );
        modOpCtx.setDn( entry1.getDn() );

        modItems = new ArrayList<Modification>();

        attribute = new DefaultAttribute( schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "description" ) );
        attribute.add( "desc of entry1" ); // reversed "this is description"

        mod = new DefaultModification();
        mod.setOperation( ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE );
        mod.setAttribute( attribute );

        modItems.add( mod );
        modOpCtx.setModItems( modItems );

        partition.modify( modOpCtx );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.model.entry.DefaultModification

    public void addModification( ModificationOperation modOp, Attribute attr )
        if ( changeType == ChangeType.Modify )
            Modification item = new DefaultModification( modOp, attr );
            modificationList.add( item );
            modifications.put( attr.getId(), item );
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