DefaultGraphCell[] cells = new DefaultGraphCell[144];
int i = 0;
// buildings in building techtree
DefaultGraphCell ks = createGraphCell("Ks", 315, 20, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // K�ruterschule
DefaultGraphCell kh = createGraphCell("Kh", 315, 70, 2, Productions.BUILDING); // Kristallh�hle
DefaultGraphCell ha = createGraphCell("Ha", 395, 70, 2, Productions.BUILDING); // Harzader
DefaultGraphCell bdl = createGraphCell("BdL", 315, 120, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Baum des Lebens
DefaultGraphCell sw = createGraphCell("Sw", 395, 170, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Steinwurzel
DefaultGraphCell kb = createGraphCell("Kb", 315, 170, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Kriegsbrunnen
DefaultGraphCell ph = createGraphCell("Ph", 235, 120, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Palasthof
DefaultGraphCell xdk = createGraphCell("XdK", 235, 170, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Xhodotorischer Kokon
DefaultGraphCell kt = createGraphCell("Kt", 155, 170, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Kristallturm
DefaultGraphCell sm = createGraphCell("Sm", 75, 170, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Steinmantel
DefaultGraphCell ia = createGraphCell("IA", 475, 170, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Irres Auge
DefaultGraphCell zs = createGraphCell("Zs", 235, 220, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Zuchtstation
DefaultGraphCell kk = createGraphCell("KK", 235, 270, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Kristallines Katapult
DefaultGraphCell gg = createGraphCell("GG", 475, 45, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Geheime Grotte
DefaultGraphCell hs = createGraphCell("Hs", 155, 45, 1, Productions.BUILDING); // Heldenstatue
// Units and buildings in units trees
DefaultGraphCell bdlDRE = createGraphCell("BdL", 15, 315, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell zsDRE = createGraphCell("Zs", 15, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell hsDRE = createGraphCell("Hs", 15, 375, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell dre = createGraphCell("Dre", 85, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell zsEHW = createGraphCell("Zs", 15, 405, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell ehw = createGraphCell("Ehw", 85, 405, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell xdkKob = createGraphCell("XdK", 155, 315, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell kob = createGraphCell("Kob", 225, 315, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell kbEIK = createGraphCell("Kb", 155, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell xdkEIK = createGraphCell("XdK", 155, 375, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell eik = createGraphCell("Eik", 225, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell phKDM = createGraphCell("Ph", 15, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell xdkKDM = createGraphCell("XdK", 15, 465, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell kdm = createGraphCell("KdM", 85, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell bdlKRP = createGraphCell("BdL", 155, 465, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell xdkKRP = createGraphCell("XdK", 155, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell kbKRP = createGraphCell("Kb", 155, 405, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell krp = createGraphCell("Krp", 225, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell phHYZ = createGraphCell("Ph", 295, 315, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell zsHYZ = createGraphCell("Zs", 295, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell hyz = createGraphCell("HyZ", 365, 315, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell phWIZ = createGraphCell("Ph", 295, 375, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell zsWIZ = createGraphCell("Zs", 295, 405, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell wiz = createGraphCell("WiZ", 365, 375, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell phEBS = createGraphCell("Ph", 295, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell xdkEBS = createGraphCell("Xdk", 295, 465, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell ebs = createGraphCell("Ebs", 365, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell smAXZ = createGraphCell("Sm", 435, 375, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell xdkAXZ = createGraphCell("XdK", 435, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell kbAXZ = createGraphCell("Kb", 435, 315, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell axz = createGraphCell("AxZ", 505, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell smDAZ = createGraphCell("Sm", 435, 465, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell xdkDAZ = createGraphCell("XdK", 435, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell kbDAZ = createGraphCell("Kb", 435, 405, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell daz = createGraphCell("Daz", 505, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell sihKB = createGraphCell("Kb", 575, 405, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell sihBDL = createGraphCell("BdL", 575, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell sihSM = createGraphCell("Sm", 575, 465, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell sihZS = createGraphCell("Zs", 645, 465, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell sih = createGraphCell("SiH", 645, 435, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell efmPH = createGraphCell("Ph", 575, 315, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell efmBDL = createGraphCell("BdL", 575, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell efmKT = createGraphCell("Kt", 575, 375, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell efmXDK = createGraphCell("XdK", 645, 375, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell efm = createGraphCell("Efm", 645, 345, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell fefPH = createGraphCell("Ph", 575, 225, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell fefKT = createGraphCell("Kt", 575, 255, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell fefZS = createGraphCell("Zs", 575, 285, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell fefBDL = createGraphCell("BdL", 645, 285, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell fef = createGraphCell("Fef", 645, 255, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell stfPH = createGraphCell("Ph", 575, 135, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell stfKB = createGraphCell("Kb", 575, 165, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell stfKT = createGraphCell("Kt", 575, 195, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell stfZS = createGraphCell("Zs", 645, 195, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell stf = createGraphCell("Stf", 645, 165, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell swbKB = createGraphCell("Kb", 575, 45, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell swbBDL = createGraphCell("BdL", 575, 75, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell swbZS = createGraphCell("Zs", 575, 105, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell swb = createGraphCell("SwB", 645, 75, 1, Productions.UNIT);
DefaultGraphCell briPH = createGraphCell("Ph", 15, 255, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell briXDK = createGraphCell("XdK", 15, 285, 1, Productions.UNIT_BUILDING);
DefaultGraphCell bri = createGraphCell("Bri", 85, 255, 1, Productions.UNIT);
// cells of buildings
cells[i++] = ks;
cells[i++] = kh;
cells[i++] = ha;