for (WebParam webParam : webMethod.getWebParameters()) {
addComponentTypes(webParam.getType(), imports);
DecoratedTypeMirror returnType = (DecoratedTypeMirror) webMethod.getReturnType();
if (!returnType.isVoid()) {
imports.add(classnameFor.convert((ImplicitChildElement) webMethod.getWebResult()));
addComponentTypes(returnType, imports);
else if (declaration instanceof TypeDefinition) {
TypeDefinition typeDef = (TypeDefinition) declaration;
if (!typeDef.isBaseObject()) {
for (Attribute attribute : typeDef.getAttributes()) {
TypeMirror accessorType;
if (attribute.isAdapted()) {
// If the attribute is adaptable, we need to use the adapting type
// else it will try to import the "real type" defined by the attribute.
accessorType = attribute.getAdapterType().getAdaptingType();
else {
accessorType = attribute.getAccessorType();
addComponentTypes(accessorType, imports);
for (Element element : typeDef.getElements()) {
TypeMirror accessorType;
if (element.isAdapted()) {
// If the element is adaptable, we need to use the adapting type
// else it will try to import the "real type" defined by the attribute.
accessorType = element.getAdapterType().getAdaptingType();
else {
accessorType = element.getAccessorType();
addComponentTypes(accessorType, imports);
Value value = typeDef.getValue();
if (value != null) {
addComponentTypes(value.getAccessorType(), imports);
else if (declaration instanceof WebMethod) {
WebMethod webMethod = (WebMethod) declaration;
DecoratedTypeMirror returnType = (DecoratedTypeMirror) webMethod.getReturnType();
if (!returnType.isVoid()) {
imports.add(classnameFor.convert((ImplicitChildElement) webMethod.getWebResult()));
addComponentTypes(returnType, imports);
else {