Examples of DbRelationship

Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship


            // we can assume that there is one and only one DbRelationship as
            // we previously checked that
            // "!isSourceIndependentFromTargetChange"
            DbRelationship dbRelationship = (DbRelationship) relationship

            ObjectId targetId = sourceRow.createTargetObjectId(relationship
                    .getTargetEntityName(), dbRelationship);
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship


            // if db relationship is not based on a PK and is based on mandatory
            // attributes, see if we have a target object set
            boolean validate = true;
            DbRelationship dbRelationship = (DbRelationship) dbRels.get(0);
            Iterator joins = dbRelationship.getJoins().iterator();
            while (joins.hasNext()) {
                DbJoin join = (DbJoin) joins.next();
                DbAttribute source = join.getSource();

                if (source.isMandatory()) {
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship

                            "No matching objects found for ObjectId "
                                    + object.getObjectId()
                                    + ". Object may have been deleted externally.");

                DbRelationship dbRel = (DbRelationship) rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);
                Iterator joins = dbRel.getJoins().iterator();
                while (joins.hasNext()) {
                    DbJoin join = (DbJoin) joins.next();
                    String key = join.getSourceName();
                    snapshot.put(key, storedSnapshot.get(key));


            // target is resolved and we have an FK->PK to it,
            // so extract it from target...
            DataObject target = (DataObject) targetObject;
            Map idParts = target.getObjectId().getIdSnapshot();

            // this may happen in uncommitted objects - see the warning in the JavaDoc of
            // this method.
            if (idParts.isEmpty()) {

            DbRelationship dbRel = (DbRelationship) rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);
            Map fk = dbRel.srcFkSnapshotWithTargetSnapshot(idParts);

        // process object id map
        // we should ignore any object id values if a corresponding attribute
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship


            // if db relationship is not based on a PK and is based on mandatory
            // attributes, see if we have a target object set
            boolean validate = true;
            DbRelationship dbRelationship = dbRels.get(0);
            for (DbJoin join : dbRelationship.getJoins()) {
                DbAttribute source = join.getSource();

                if (source.isMandatory()) {
                    // clear attribute failures...
                    if (failedDbAttributes != null && !failedDbAttributes.isEmpty()) {
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship

        if (getParent() != null
                && !getParent().isPhantom()
                && getIncoming() != null
                && !getIncoming().getRelationship().isFlattened()) {

            DbRelationship r = getIncoming()
            for (final DbJoin join : r.getJoins()) {

                PrefetchProcessorNode parent = (PrefetchProcessorNode) getParent();
                String source;
                if (parent instanceof PrefetchProcessorJointNode) {
                    source = ((PrefetchProcessorJointNode) parent).sourceForTarget(join
                else {
                    source = join.getSourceName();

                if (source == null) {
                    throw new CayenneRuntimeException(
                            "Propagated column value is not configured for parent node. Join: "
                                    + join);

                appendColumn(targetSource, join.getTargetName(), source);

        // add class attributes
        for (ObjAttribute attribute : getResolver().getEntity().getAttributes()) {
            String target = attribute.getDbAttributePath();

            appendColumn(targetSource, target, prefix + target);

        // add relationships
        for (ObjRelationship rel : getResolver().getEntity().getRelationships()) {
            DbRelationship dbRel = rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);
            for (DbAttribute attribute : dbRel.getSourceAttributes() ){
                String target = attribute.getName();

                appendColumn(targetSource, target, prefix + target);
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship

        // if FK constraints are supported, we must add indices to all FKs
        // Note that according to MySQL docs, FK indexes are created automatically when
        // constraint is defined, starting at MySQL 4.1.2
        if (supportsFkConstraints()) {
            for (Relationship r : entity.getRelationships()) {
                DbRelationship relationship = (DbRelationship) r;
                if (relationship.getJoins().size() > 0
                        && relationship.isToPK()
                        && !relationship.isToDependentPK()) {

                    sqlBuffer.append(", KEY (");

                    Iterator<DbAttribute> columns = relationship
                    DbAttribute column = columns.next();
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship

                return true;

            public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
                ObjRelationship rel = property.getRelationship();
                DbRelationship dbRel = rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);

                for (DbJoin join : dbRel.getJoins()) {
                    DbAttribute src = join.getSource();
                    if (src.isForeignKey() && visited.add(src.getName())) {
                        entityResult.addDbField(src.getName(), prefix + index[0]++);
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship

                    if (pathPart == null) {
                        throw new CayenneRuntimeException(
                                "ObjAttribute has no component: " + oa.getName());
                    else if (pathPart instanceof DbRelationship) {
                        DbRelationship rel = (DbRelationship) pathPart;
                        dbRelationshipAdded(rel, JoinType.INNER, null);
                    else if (pathPart instanceof DbAttribute) {
                        DbAttribute dbAttr = (DbAttribute) pathPart;

                        appendColumn(columns, oa, dbAttr, attributes, null);
                return true;

            public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
                return true;

            public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
                return true;

            private void visitRelationship(ArcProperty property) {
                ObjRelationship rel = property.getRelationship();
                DbRelationship dbRel = rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);

                List<DbJoin> joins = dbRel.getJoins();
                int len = joins.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    DbJoin join = joins.get(i);
                    DbAttribute src = join.getSource();
                    appendColumn(columns, null, src, attributes, null);

        if (query.isResolvingInherited()) {
        else {

        // add remaining needed attrs from DbEntity
        DbEntity table = getRootDbEntity();
        for (final DbAttribute dba : table.getPrimaryKeys()) {
            appendColumn(columns, null, dba, attributes, null);

        // special handling of a disjoint query...

        // TODO, Andrus 11/17/2005 - resultPath mechanism is generic and should probably
        // be moved in the superclass (SelectQuery), replacing customDbAttributes.

        if (query instanceof PrefetchSelectQuery) {

            // for each relationship path add closest FK or PK, for each attribute path,
            // add specified column
            for (String path : ((PrefetchSelectQuery) query).getResultPaths()) {

                Expression pathExp = oe.translateToDbPath(Expression.fromString(path));

                // add joins and find terminating element


                PathComponent<DbAttribute, DbRelationship> lastComponent = null;
                for (PathComponent<DbAttribute, DbRelationship> component : table
                        .resolvePath(pathExp, getPathAliases())) {

                    // do not add join for the last DB Rel
                    if (component.getRelationship() != null && !component.isLast()) {
                        dbRelationshipAdded(component.getRelationship(), component
                                .getJoinType(), null);

                    lastComponent = component;

                String labelPrefix = pathExp.toString().substring("db:".length());

                // process terminating element
                if (lastComponent != null) {

                    DbRelationship relationship = lastComponent.getRelationship();

                    if (relationship != null) {

                        // add last join
                        if (relationship.isToMany()) {
                            dbRelationshipAdded(relationship, JoinType.INNER, null);

                        for (DbJoin j : relationship.getJoins()) {

                            DbAttribute attribute = relationship.isToMany() ? j
                                    .getTarget() : j.getSource();

                            // note that we my select a source attribute, but label it as
                            // target for simplified snapshot processing
                                    labelPrefix + '.' + j.getTargetName());

                    else {

                        // label prefix already includes relationship name


        // handle joint prefetches directly attached to this query...
        if (query.getPrefetchTree() != null) {

            for (PrefetchTreeNode prefetch : query.getPrefetchTree().adjacentJointNodes()) {

                // for each prefetch add all joins plus columns from the target entity
                Expression prefetchExp = Expression.fromString(prefetch.getPath());
                Expression dbPrefetch = oe.translateToDbPath(prefetchExp);

                DbRelationship r = null;
                for (PathComponent<DbAttribute, DbRelationship> component : table
                        .resolvePath(dbPrefetch, getPathAliases())) {
                    r = component.getRelationship();
                    dbRelationshipAdded(r, JoinType.INNER, null);

                if (r == null) {
                    throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Invalid joint prefetch '"
                            + prefetch
                            + "' for entity: "
                            + oe.getName());

                // add columns from the target entity, skipping those that are an FK to
                // source entity

                Collection<DbAttribute> skipColumns = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
                if (r.getSourceEntity() == table) {
                    skipColumns = new ArrayList<DbAttribute>(2);
                    for (final DbJoin join : r.getJoins()) {
                        if (attributes.contains(join.getSource())) {

                // go via target OE to make sure that Java types are mapped correctly...
                ObjRelationship targetRel = (ObjRelationship) prefetchExp.evaluate(oe);
                Iterator<ObjAttribute> targetObjAttrs = (Iterator<ObjAttribute>) targetRel

                String labelPrefix = dbPrefetch.toString().substring("db:".length());
                while (targetObjAttrs.hasNext()) {
                    ObjAttribute oa = targetObjAttrs.next();
                    Iterator<CayenneMapEntry> dbPathIterator = oa.getDbPathIterator();
                    while (dbPathIterator.hasNext()) {
                        Object pathPart = dbPathIterator.next();

                        if (pathPart == null) {
                            throw new CayenneRuntimeException(
                                    "ObjAttribute has no component: " + oa.getName());

                        else if (pathPart instanceof DbRelationship) {
                            DbRelationship rel = (DbRelationship) pathPart;
                            dbRelationshipAdded(rel, JoinType.INNER, null);
                        else if (pathPart instanceof DbAttribute) {
                            DbAttribute attribute = (DbAttribute) pathPart;
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship

            super(target, toMany);

        protected Object create(String name, Object namingContext) {
            return new DbRelationship(name);
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Examples of org.apache.cayenne.map.DbRelationship


            // these will be initailzed every time a new target entity
            // is found in the result set (which should be ordered by table name among
            // other things)
            DbRelationship forwardRelationship = null;
            DbRelationshipDetected reverseRelationship = null;
            DbEntity fkEntity = null;

            do {
                short keySeq = rs.getShort("KEY_SEQ");
                if (keySeq == 1) {

                    if (forwardRelationship != null) {
                        forwardRelationship = null;

                    // start new entity
                    String fkEntityName = rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME");
                    String fkName = rs.getString("FK_NAME");
                    if (!includeTableName(fkEntityName)) {
                    fkEntity = map.getDbEntity(fkEntityName);

                    if (fkEntity == null) {
                        logObj.info("FK warning: no entity found for name '"
                                + fkEntityName
                                + "'");
                    } else if (skippedEntities.contains(pkEntity) && skippedEntities.contains(fkEntity)) {
                        // cay-479 - don't load relationships between two
                        // skipped entities.
                    else {

                        // init relationship
                        forwardRelationship = new DbRelationship(DbLoader
                                .uniqueRelName(pkEntity, fkEntityName, true));


                        reverseRelationship = new DbRelationshipDetected(uniqueRelName(

                if (fkEntity != null) {
                    // Create and append joins
                    String pkName = rs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME");
                    String fkName = rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME");

                    // skip invalid joins...
                    DbAttribute pkAtt = (DbAttribute) pkEntity.getAttribute(pkName);
                    if (pkAtt == null) {
                        logObj.info("no attribute for declared primary key: "
                                + pkName);

                    DbAttribute fkAtt = (DbAttribute) fkEntity.getAttribute(fkName);
                    if (fkAtt == null) {
                        logObj.info("no attribute for declared foreign key: "
                                + fkName);

                    forwardRelationship.addJoin(new DbJoin(
                    reverseRelationship.addJoin(new DbJoin(
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