Examples of DBTable

Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

     * @return true if the relation has been created successfully
    protected boolean createRelation(DBRelation r, DBSQLScript script)
        DBTable sourceTable = (DBTable) r.getReferences()[0].getSourceColumn().getRowSet();
        DBTable targetTable = (DBTable) r.getReferences()[0].getTargetColumn().getRowSet();

        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        sql.append("-- creating foreign key constraint ");
        sql.append(" --\r\n");
        sql.append("ALTER TABLE ");
        sourceTable.addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_FULLNAME);
        sql.append(" ADD CONSTRAINT ");
        appendElementName(sql, r.getName());
        sql.append(" FOREIGN KEY (");
        // Source Names
        boolean addSeparator = false;
        DBRelation.DBReference[] refs = r.getReferences();
        for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
            sql.append((addSeparator) ? ", " : "");
            refs[i].getSourceColumn().addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_NAME);
            addSeparator = true;
        // References
        sql.append(") REFERENCES ");
        targetTable.addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_FULLNAME);
        sql.append(" (");
        // Target Names
        addSeparator = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

        // Create all Sequences
        Iterator<DBTable> seqtabs = db.getTables().iterator();
        while (seqtabs.hasNext())
            DBTable table = seqtabs.next();
            Iterator<DBColumn> cols = table.getColumns().iterator();
            while (cols.hasNext())
                DBTableColumn c = (DBTableColumn) cols.next();
                if (c.getDataType() == DataType.AUTOINC)
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

     * Create a sql string for creating a relation and appends it to the supplied buffer
     * @return true if the relation has been created successfully
    protected boolean createRelation(DBRelation r, DBSQLScript script)
        DBTable sourceTable = (DBTable) r.getReferences()[0].getSourceColumn().getRowSet();
        DBTable targetTable = (DBTable) r.getReferences()[0].getTargetColumn().getRowSet();

        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        sql.append("-- creating foreign key constraint ");
        sql.append(" --\r\n");
        sql.append("ALTER TABLE ");
        sourceTable.addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_FULLNAME);
        sql.append(" ADD CONSTRAINT ");
        appendElementName(sql, r.getName());
        sql.append(" FOREIGN KEY (");
        // Source Names
        boolean addSeparator = false;
        DBRelation.DBReference[] refs = r.getReferences();
        for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
            sql.append((addSeparator) ? ", " : "");
            refs[i].getSourceColumn().addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_NAME);
            addSeparator = true;
        // References
        sql.append(") REFERENCES ");
        targetTable.addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_FULLNAME);
        sql.append(" (");
        // Target Names
        addSeparator = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

                    if (tableName.equals(skipTable))

                    // check if the found table exists in the DBDatabase object
                    String columnName = rd.getString(sysDB.CI.C_COLUMN_NAME);
                    DBTable dbTable = db.getTable(tableName);
                    DBView  dbView  = db.getView(tableName);
                    String dataType = rd.getString(sysDB.CI.C_DATA_TYPE);
                    int charLength = rd.getInt(sysDB.CI.C_CHAR_LENGTH);
                    int dataLength = rd.getInt(sysDB.CI.C_DATA_LENGTH);
                    int dataPrecision = rd.getInt(sysDB.CI.C_DATA_PRECISION);
                    int dataScale = rd.getInt(sysDB.CI.C_DATA_SCALE);
                    String nullable = rd.getString(sysDB.CI.C_NULLABLE);
                    dataDictionnary.fillDataDictionnary(tableName, columnName, dataType,
                                                        charLength, dataLength, dataPrecision, dataScale, nullable);
                    if (dbTable != null)
                        // check if the found column exists in the found DBTable
                        DBColumn col = dbTable.getColumn(columnName);
                        if (col == null)
                            log.warn("COLUMN NOT FOUND IN " + db.getClass().getName() + "\t: [" + tableName + "]["
                                           + columnName + "][" + dataType + "][" + dataLength + "]");
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

    public Object getNextSequenceValue(DBDatabase db, String seqName, int minValue, Connection conn)
        if (useSequenceTable)
        {   // Use a sequence Table to generate Sequences
            DBTable t = db.getTable(sequenceTableName);
            return ((DBSeqTable)t).getNextValue(seqName, minValue, conn);
        {   // Post Detection
            return null;
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

     * @return true if the relation has been created successfully
    protected boolean createRelation(DBRelation r, DBSQLScript script)
        DBTable sourceTable = (DBTable) r.getReferences()[0].getSourceColumn().getRowSet();
        DBTable targetTable = (DBTable) r.getReferences()[0].getTargetColumn().getRowSet();

        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        sql.append("-- creating foreign key constraint ");
        sql.append(" --\r\n");
        sql.append("ALTER TABLE ");
        sourceTable.addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_FULLNAME);
        sql.append(" ADD CONSTRAINT ");
        appendElementName(sql, r.getName());
        sql.append(" FOREIGN KEY (");
        // Source Names
        boolean addSeparator = false;
        DBRelation.DBReference[] refs = r.getReferences();
        for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
            sql.append((addSeparator) ? ", " : "");
            refs[i].getSourceColumn().addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_NAME);
            addSeparator = true;
        // References
        sql.append(") REFERENCES ");
        targetTable.addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_FULLNAME);
        sql.append(" (");
        // Target Names
        addSeparator = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

    public Object getNextSequenceValue(DBDatabase db, String seqName, int minValue, Connection conn)
    {   //Use Oracle Sequences
        if (useSequenceTable)
        {   // Use a sequence Table to generate Sequences
            DBTable t = db.getTable(sequenceTableName);
            return ((DBSeqTable)t).getNextValue(seqName, minValue, conn);
        {   // Post Detection
            return null;
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

     * @return true if the relation has been created successfully
    protected boolean createRelation(DBRelation r, DBSQLScript script)
        DBTable sourceTable = (DBTable) r.getReferences()[0].getSourceColumn().getRowSet();
        DBTable targetTable = (DBTable) r.getReferences()[0].getTargetColumn().getRowSet();

        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        sql.append("-- creating foreign key constraint ");
        sql.append(" --\r\n");
        sql.append("ALTER TABLE ");
        sourceTable.addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_FULLNAME);
        sql.append(" ADD CONSTRAINT ");
        appendElementName(sql, r.getName());
        sql.append(" FOREIGN KEY (");
        // Source Names
        boolean addSeparator = false;
        DBRelation.DBReference[] refs = r.getReferences();
        for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
            sql.append((addSeparator) ? ", " : "");
            refs[i].getSourceColumn().addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_NAME);
            addSeparator = true;
        // References
        sql.append(") REFERENCES ");
        targetTable.addSQL(sql, DBExpr.CTX_FULLNAME);
        sql.append(" (");
        // Target Names
        addSeparator = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

    public Object getNextSequenceValue(DBDatabase db, String seqName, int minValue, Connection conn)
    {   //Use Oracle Sequences
        if (useSequenceTable)
        {   // Use a sequence Table to generate Sequences
            DBTable t = db.getTable(sequenceTableName);
            return ((DBSeqTable)t).getNextValue(seqName, minValue, conn);
        {   // Post Detection
            return null;
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBTable

    public void testLoadDbModel() {
        final DBDatabase db = parser.loadDbModel();

        final DBTable departments = db.getTable("DEPARTMENTS");
        final DBTable employees = db.getTable("EMPLOYEES");

        assertNotNull("Expected DEPARTMENTS table.", departments);
    assertNotNull("Expected EMPLOYEES table.", employees);

        final List<DBRelation> relations = db.getRelations();
        assertEquals("Should have two relations.", 2, relations.size());

        final DBRelation dbRelation = relations.get(1);
        assertEquals("EMPLOYEES_DEPARTMENT_I_FK", dbRelation.getName());

        final DBReference[] references = dbRelation.getReferences();
        assertEquals("Should reference one column.", 1, references.length);

        final DBReference dbReference = references[0];
    assertEquals(dbReference.getSourceColumn(), employees.getColumn("DEPARTMENT_ID"));
        assertEquals(dbReference.getTargetColumn(), departments.getColumn("DEPARTMENT_ID"));
        final DBColumn salary = employees.getColumn("SALARY");

        assertThat(salary.getDataType(), is(DECIMAL));
        assertThat(salary.getSize(), is(121.212));
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