Examples of DBSQLScript

Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBSQLScript

        // First, add a new column to the Table object
        DBTableColumn C_FOO = db.T_EMPLOYEES.addColumn("FOO", DataType.TEXT, 20, DataMode.Nullable);

        // Now create the corresponding DDL statement
        System.out.println("Creating new column named FOO as varchar(20) for the EMPLOYEES table:");
        DBSQLScript script = new DBSQLScript();
        db.getDriver().getDDLScript(DBCmdType.CREATE, C_FOO, script);
        script.run(db.getDriver(), conn, false);
        // Now load a record from that table and set the value for foo
        System.out.println("Changing the value for the FOO field of a particular employee:");
        DBRecord rec = new DBRecord();
        rec.read(db.T_EMPLOYEES, idTestPerson, conn);
        rec.setValue(C_FOO, "Hello World");
        // Now extend the size of the field from 20 to 40 characters
        System.out.println("Extending size of column FOO to 40 characters:");
        db.getDriver().getDDLScript(DBCmdType.ALTER, C_FOO, script);
        script.run(db.getDriver(), conn, false);

        // Now set a longer value for the record
        System.out.println("Changing the value for the FOO field for the above employee to a longer string:");
        rec.setValue(C_FOO, "This is a very long field value!");

        // Finally, drop the column again
        System.out.println("Dropping the FOO column from the employee table:");
        db.getDriver().getDDLScript(DBCmdType.DROP, C_FOO, script);
        script.run(db.getDriver(), conn, false);
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