Examples of DBCommandParam

Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBCommand.DBCommandParam

                    if (col!=null && col.getRowSet() == table)
                    {  // add the constraint
                      if (cmpExpr.getValue() instanceof DBCommandParam)
                      {  // Create a new command param
                        DBColumnExpr colExpr = cmpExpr.getColumnExpr();
                        DBCommandParam param =(DBCommandParam)cmpExpr.getValue();
                        DBCommandParam value = upd.addParam(colExpr, param.getValue());
                        cmp = new DBCompareColExpr(colExpr, cmpExpr.getCmpop(), value);
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBCommand.DBCommandParam

        // Define shortcuts for tables used - not necessary but convenient
        CompanyDB.Departments DEP = db.DEPARTMENT;
        // Define the query
        DBCommand cmd = db.createCommand();
        // Create parameters
        DBCommandParam empIdParam  = cmd.addParam(null);
        // the previous line could be shorter
        // DBCommandParam empIdParam  = cmd.addCmdParam(id);
        // create statement
        // set param value
        // check command
        assertTrue(cmd.getSelect().indexOf('?') > 0);

        DBReader r = new DBReader();
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBCommand.DBCommandParam

    private static void commandParamsSample(Connection conn, int idProdDep, int idDevDep)
        // create a command
        DBCommand cmd = db.createCommand();
        // Create cmd parameters
        DBCommandParam curDepParam = cmd.addParam(); // Current Department
        DBCommandParam genderParam = cmd.addParam(); // Gender ('M' or 'F')
        // Define the query
        cmd.where (T_EMP.C_GENDER.is(genderParam));
        cmd.where (db.V_EMPLOYEE_INFO.C_CURRENT_DEP_ID.is(curDepParam));

        System.out.println("Perfoming two queries using a the same command with different parameter values.");
        DBReader r = new DBReader();
        try {
            // Query all females currently working in the Production department
            System.out.println("1. Query all females currently working in the production department");
            // Set command parameter values
            genderParam.setValue('F'); // set gender to female
            curDepParam.setValue(idProdDep); // set department id to production department
            // Open reader using a prepared statement (due to command parameters!)
            r.open(cmd, conn);
            // print all results
            System.out.println("Females working in the production department are:");
            while (r.moveNext())
                System.out.println("    " + r.getString(T_EMP.C_FULLNAME));

            // Second query
            // Now query all males currently working in the development department
            System.out.println("2. Query all males currently working in the development department");
            // Set command parameter values
            genderParam.setValue('M'); // set gender to female
            curDepParam.setValue(idDevDep); // set department id to production department
            // Open reader using a prepared statement (due to command parameters!)
            r.open(cmd, conn);
            // print all results
            System.out.println("Males currently working in the development department are:");
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBCommand.DBCommandParam

            // Create a Command
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            {   // The select Statement
                DBCommand cmd = driver.createCommand(db);
                DBCommandParam nameParam = cmd.addParam(SeqName);
                cmd.where (C_SEQNAME.is(nameParam));
                String selectCmd = cmd.getSelect();
                // Get the next Value
                long seqValue = 0;
                while (seqValue == 0)
                    // stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
                    stmt = conn.prepareStatement(selectCmd, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
                    stmt.setString(1, SeqName);
                    // Query existing value
                    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                    if (rs.next())
                    { // Read the Sequence Value
                        seqValue = Math.max(rs.getLong(1) + 1, minValue);
                        java.sql.Timestamp current = rs.getTimestamp(2);
                        // Update existing Record
                        DBCommandParam name = cmd.addParam(SeqName);
                        DBCommandParam time = cmd.addParam(current);
                        if (driver.executeSQL(cmd.getUpdate(), cmd.getParamValues(), conn, null) < 1)
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBCommand.DBCommandParam

            // Create a Command
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            {   // The select Statement
                DBCommand cmd = driver.createCommand(db);
                DBCommandParam nameParam = cmd.addParam(SeqName);
                cmd.where (C_SEQNAME.is(nameParam));
                String selectCmd = cmd.getSelect();
                // Get the next Value
                long seqValue = 0;
                while (seqValue == 0)
                    // stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
                    stmt = conn.prepareStatement(selectCmd, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
                    stmt.setString(1, SeqName);
                    // Query existing value
                    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                    if (rs.next())
                    { // Read the Sequence Value
                        seqValue = Math.max(rs.getLong(1) + 1, minValue);
                        java.sql.Timestamp current = rs.getTimestamp(2);
                        // Update existing Record
                        DBCommandParam name = cmd.addParam(SeqName);
                        DBCommandParam time = cmd.addParam(current);
                        if (driver.executeSQL(cmd.getUpdate(), cmd.getParamValues(), conn, null) < 1)
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBCommand.DBCommandParam

                    if (col!=null && col.getRowSet() == table)
                    {  // add the constraint
                      if (cmpExpr.getValue() instanceof DBCommandParam)
                      {  // Create a new command param
                        DBColumnExpr colExpr = cmpExpr.getColumnExpr();
                        DBCommandParam param =(DBCommandParam)cmpExpr.getValue();
                        DBCommandParam value = upd.addParam(colExpr, param.getValue());
                        cmp = new DBCompareColExpr(colExpr, cmpExpr.getCmpop(), value);
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBCommand.DBCommandParam

        // Define shortcuts for tables used - not necessary but convenient
        CompanyDB.Departments DEP = db.DEPARTMENT;
        // Define the query
        DBCommand cmd = db.createCommand();
        // Create parameters
        DBCommandParam empIdParam  = cmd.addParam(null);
        // the previous line could be shorter
        // DBCommandParam empIdParam  = cmd.addCmdParam(id);
        // create statement
        // set param value
        // check command
        assertTrue(cmd.getSelect().indexOf('?') > 0);

        DBReader r = new DBReader();
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Examples of org.apache.empire.db.DBCommand.DBCommandParam

    private static void commandParamsSample(Connection conn, int idProdDep, int idDevDep)
        // create a command
        DBCommand cmd = db.createCommand();
        // Create cmd parameters
        DBCommandParam curDepParam = cmd.addParam(); // Current Department
        DBCommandParam genderParam = cmd.addParam(); // Gender ('M' or 'F')
        // Define the query
        cmd.where (T_EMP.C_GENDER.is(genderParam));
        cmd.where (db.V_EMPLOYEE_INFO.C_CURRENT_DEP_ID.is(curDepParam));

        System.out.println("Perfoming two queries using a the same command with different parameter values.");
        DBReader r = new DBReader();
        try {
            // Query all females currently working in the Production department
            System.out.println("1. Query all females currently working in the production department");
            // Set command parameter values
            genderParam.setValue('F'); // set gender to female
            curDepParam.setValue(idProdDep); // set department id to production department
            // Open reader using a prepared statement (due to command parameters!)
            r.open(cmd, conn);
            // print all results
            System.out.println("Females working in the production department are:");
            while (r.moveNext())
                System.out.println("    " + r.getString(T_EMP.C_FULLNAME));

            // Second query
            // Now query all males currently working in the development department
            System.out.println("2. Query all males currently working in the development department");
            // Set command parameter values
            genderParam.setValue('M'); // set gender to female
            curDepParam.setValue(idDevDep); // set department id to production department
            // Open reader using a prepared statement (due to command parameters!)
            r.open(cmd, conn);
            // print all results
            System.out.println("Males currently working in the development department are:");
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