ClassLoader classLoader =
(this.sessionClassLoader != null ? this.sessionClassLoader : ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader());
// Initialize the TopLink Session, using the configuration file
// and the session name.
DatabaseSession session = loadDatabaseSession(this.configLocation, this.sessionName, classLoader);
// It is possible for SessionManager to return a null Session!
if (session == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"A session named '" + this.sessionName + "' could not be loaded from resource [" +
this.configLocation + "] using ClassLoader [" + classLoader + "]. " +
"This is most likely a deployment issue: Can the class loader access the resource?");
DatabaseLogin login = (this.databaseLogin != null ? this.databaseLogin : session.getLogin());
// Apply specified login properties to the DatabaseLogin instance.
if (this.loginPropertyMap != null) {
// Override default connection pool with specified DataSource, if any.
if (this.dataSource != null) {
login.setConnector(new JNDIConnector(this.dataSource));
// Override default DatabasePlatform with specified one, if any.
if (this.databasePlatform != null) {
// Override default DatabaseLogin instance with specified one, if any.
if (this.databaseLogin != null) {
setDatabaseLogin(session, this.databaseLogin);
// Override default SessionLog with specified one, if any.
if (this.sessionLog != null) {
// Log in and create corresponding SessionFactory.
return newSessionFactory(session);