Uma exceção lançada caso haja alguma falha irreversível durante o acesso a informações do repositório de dados.
Exemplos: Uma consulta mal formada (erro de sintaxe), parâmetros erroneamente tipificados, fonte de dados inacessível entre outros.
@author lizhengSQLException
or other exception types.
is a generic {@link RuntimeException}indicating that something went wrong while executing a SQL statement from jOOQ. The idea behind this unchecked exception is borrowed from Spring's JDBC's DataAccessException
@author Sergey Epik - Merged into jOOQ from Spring JDBC Support
@author Lukas Eder
This exception hierarchy aims to let user code find and handle the kind of error encountered without knowing the details of the particular data access API in use (e.g. JDBC). Thus it is possible to react to an optimistic locking failure without knowing that JDBC is being used.
As this class is a runtime exception, there is no need for user code to catch it or subclasses if any error is to be considered fatal (the usual case). @author Rod Johnson