数据访问层规范定义了所支持的数据访问接口 @author 王志亮 [qieqie.wang@gmail.com] @author 廖涵 [in355hz@gmail.com]
Please note that all interaction occurs within the context of a Transaction, this facility provides session management and is strongly advised. Please note that your application is responsible for managing its own Transactions; as an example they are often associated with a single Map in a desktop application; or a single session in a J2EE web app.
The use of Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT is suitable for read-only access when you wish to minimize the number of connections in use, when used for writing performance will often be terrible.
Applications are responsible for holding a single instance to the service or file, The DataAccess implementations will hold onto database connections, internal caches and so on - and as such should not be duplicated. @see DataStore Subclass restricted to working with simple content @param < T> Type of Feature Content, may be SimpleFeatureType @param < F> Feature Content, may be SimpleFetaure @source $URL$