StringBuffer request = DAVProppatchHandler.generatePropertyRequest(null, resource.getProperties());
myConnection.doProppatch(resource.getURL(), resource.getWorkingURL(), request, null, null);
DAVMergeHandler handler = new DAVMergeHandler(myCommitMediator, myPathsMap);
HTTPStatus status = myConnection.doMerge(myActivity, true, handler);
if (status.getError() != null) {
// DELETE shouldn't be called anymore if there is an error or MERGE.
// calling abortEdit will do nothing on closeEdit failure now.
myIsAborted = true;
SVNErrorManager.error(status.getError(), SVNLogType.NETWORK);
return handler.getCommitInfo();
finally {
// we should run abort edit if exception is thrown
// abort edit will not be run if there was an error (from server side) on MERGE.