Indicates an attempt to insert an ancestor element as one of its own descendants.
* Rejection handler for cyclic promises */ public class CycleHandler<T> extends RejectedHandler<T> { public CycleHandler(PromiseHelper helper) { super(new CycleException("Promise cycle"), helper); }
assertEquals(cause, ex.getCause()); } public void testCycleExceptionConstructor() { XMLException ex = new CycleException(message, cause); assertEquals(message, ex.getMessage()); assertEquals(cause, ex.getCause()); }
throws CycleException { CycleDetector cd = new CycleDetector( graph ); if ( cd.hasCycle() ) { throw new CycleException( "Cycle detected in Graph." ); } }
Vertex end ) throws GraphException { if ( graph.hasConnection( end, start ) ) { throw new CycleException( "Introducing edge will cause a Cycle." ); } }