public class Client
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
CustomerDAO dao = (CustomerDAO) ctx.lookup("CustomerDAOBean/remote");
System.out.println("Create Bill Burke and Monica Smith");
dao.create("Bill", "Burke", "1 Boston Road", "Boston", "MA", "02115");
int moId = dao.create("Monica", "Smith", "1 Boston Road", "Boston", "MA", "02115");
System.out.println("Bill and Monica get married");
Customer monica = dao.find(moId);
System.out.println("Get all the Burkes");
List burkes = dao.findByLastName("Burke");
System.out.println("There are now " + burkes.size() + " Burkes");
System.out.println("Bill and Monica are moving abroad");