
Examples of

                    // TODO: hack for kicker prevention
                    if (!card.getCard().isKicker())
                        if (possibleMana.isCostFit(cost))
                            _cam.addElement(new CardAndMana(CardAndMana.CAM_ACTIVATE , card, cost));
                            possibleMana = possibleMana.subMana(cost);

                // cams ready, now -> targets! (one)
                for (int i = _cam.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
                    CardAndMana cam = _cam.elementAt(i);
                    AIEnhancedCardHints hints = AIEnhancedCardHints.getHints(cam.card);
                    Vector<EAIAction> sources = createOneOpponentSource(cam, hints); // at least one empty target! or null -> must targets not available!
                    if (sources == null)
                    Vector<EAIAction> targets = createOneOpponentTarget(cam, hints)// at least one empty target! or null -> must targets not available!
                    if (targets == null)
                    Vector<EAIAction> target = joinSourceAndTarget(sources, targets);
                    boolean successfull = leaf.leafExceuteOneAction(cam, target, opponent, camListBefor(_cam, i));
            else if(currentPhase == MatchConstants.PHASE_COMBAT_DECLARE_ATTACKERS)
                if (mDoStacking)
                    // in stack I dont estimate opponents attackers
                    EAIPlanTree leaf = new EAIPlanTree(this, false); // try out

                // opponent: activate cards that are in battlefield

                // todo build best attacking opponent can do
                // which would be the worst case scenario
                // doing an ALL OUT attack :-)
                // therefor only that option is to be tested
                // "Phew" - no explosion of choices here!

//System.out.println("Try declaring attackers of other AI!");
                // generate instant, activations

                // generate instant, activations
                // after that create all possible attackers

                // create permutations
                // possibly reuse same in different leafs (not known from here,
                // other leafs are in parent - caching and cloning?

                // now for each leaf all attack possibilities

                // dummy as long as above is not implemented
                // allways add a empty leaf
                EAIPlanTree leaf = new EAIPlanTree(this, false);

                // opponent: activate cards that are in battlefield -> like kings assassin!
                ManaCollection possibleMana = EAIHelper.getMaxAvailableMana(vMatch, opponent);
                CardSimList possibleActivateableCards = vMatch.getBattlefield(opponent);
                possibleActivateableCards = EAIHelper.onlyAllowedToActivate(possibleActivateableCards, currentPhase, true, vMatch);
                possibleActivateableCards = EAIHelper.onlyUntappedToActivate(possibleActivateableCards);

                CardSimList activated = new CardSimList();
                Vector<CardAndMana> _cam = new Vector<CardAndMana>();
                for(int c=0; c< possibleActivateableCards.size(); c++)
                    CardSim card = possibleActivateableCards.getCard(c);
                    ManaCollection cost = ManaCollection.getActivateCost(card);
                    if (possibleMana.isCostFit(cost))
                        _cam.addElement(new CardAndMana(CardAndMana.CAM_ACTIVATE , card, cost));
                        possibleMana = possibleMana.subMana(cost);

                // cams ready, now -> targets! (one)
                for (int i = _cam.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
                    CardAndMana cam = _cam.elementAt(i);
                    AIEnhancedCardHints hints = AIEnhancedCardHints.getHints(cam.card);
                    Vector<EAIAction> sources = createOneOpponentSource(cam, hints); // at least one empty target! or null -> must targets not available!
                    if (sources == null)
                    Vector<EAIAction> targets = createOneOpponentTarget(cam, hints)// at least one empty target! or null -> must targets not available!
                    if (targets == null)
                    Vector<EAIAction> target = joinSourceAndTarget(sources, targets);
                    boolean successfull = leaf.leafExceuteOneAction(cam, target, opponent, camListBefor(_cam, i));


                int no = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < leafs.size(); i++)
                    leaf = leafs.elementAt(i);
                    CardSimList possibleAttackers = leaf.vMatch.getPossibleAttackers();
    //public CombatFormation computeBestAttack(Weighting weighting, int attackerHealth, int blockerHealth, CardSimList notHereEvaluatedAttackers, CardSimList externalRemovedAttackers, CardSimList allBlockers)

                    CombatSimConfig c = new CombatSimConfig(E.aiPlayer);
                    c.attackers = possibleAttackers;
                    c.attackerLands = vMatch.getLand(opponent);
                    c.blockerLands = vMatch.getLand(player);
                    CardSimList blocker = vMatch.getBattlefield(player).getSubListByType("Creature");
                    blocker = blocker.removeActivateable();
                    //blocker = vMatch.removeAllreadyBlocking(blocker);
                    blocker = blocker.onlyTapstate(false);

                    CombatSimNew csim = new CombatSimNew(possibleAttackers, blocker, c, false);
                    int blockerHealth = vMatch.getLife(player);

                    // TEST new Attacking!
                    CombatFormation attackFormation = csim.computeBestAttack(Weighting.DEFAULT, blockerHealth);

                    for (int a=0; a< attackFormation.singleFights.size(); a++)
                        CardSim at = attackFormation.singleFights.elementAt(a).attacker;
                        EAIAction attack = EAIAction.createDeclareAttackerAction(no++, at);

                        boolean success = leaf.vMatch.executeAction(attack, opponent, false);
                        if (success)
                            leaf.addAction(currentPhaseExtended, attack);
                            String key = EnhancedAI.generateCurrentVMatchKey(leaf.vMatch, player);

                    // old -> all out attack
                    for (int a=0; a< possibleAttackers.size(); a++)
                        CardSim at = possibleAttackers.getCard(a);
                        EAIAction attack = EAIAction.createDeclareAttackerAction(no++, at);

                        boolean success = leaf.vMatch.executeAction(attack, opponent, false);
                        if (success)
                            leaf.addAction(currentPhaseExtended, attack);
                            String key = EnhancedAI.generateCurrentVMatchKey(leaf.vMatch, player);

            else if (currentPhase == MatchConstants.PHASE_COMBAT_DECLARE_BLOCKERS)
                // todo build best blocking for ourselfs to block oppoents attack
//System.out.println("Try declaring blockers!");

                // do nothing if there is nothing to block!
                // stupid thing wants to play giant growth on no attacket!

                // here we come for each of our own attacker definitions
                // in order to simulate the game
                // here we get a best guess - of our opponents bloking actions

                // sets all corresponding actions!

                // generate instant, activations
                // after that create all possible attackers
                futurePrePlan.addAll(generatePossibleActionsGeneral(true, null));

                // rod of ruin
                if (leafs.isEmpty())
                    EAIPlanTree leaf = new EAIPlanTree(this, false); // try out
                // create permutations
                // possibly reuse same in different leafs (not known from here,
                // other leafs are in parent - caching and cloning?

                // now for each leaf all attack possibilities

                // Todo: for now opponent strategy!
                int opponentBlockStrategy = E.aiPlayer.getEAIConfig().getOpponentBlockStrategy();
                if (E.aiPlayer.getEAIConfig().getOpponentAdaptiveBlocking())
                    int life = vMatch.getLife(player);
                    int maxDamage = EAIHelper.getPowerSum(vMatch.getAttacker());

                    if (life <= maxDamage+E.aiPlayer.getEAIConfig().getSavetyHealthThreshold())
                        opponentBlockStrategy = BLOCK_PLAYER_LEAST_DAMAGE;
                        opponentBlockStrategy = BLOCK_PLAYER_LEAST_CREATURE_DEAD;
                generatePlayerBlockerActions(opponentBlockStrategy); // for now!
            else if (currentPhase == MatchConstants.PHASE_COMBAT_END)
                if (UID == 7325)

            if (leafs.isEmpty())
                EAIPlanTree leaf = new EAIPlanTree(this, false); // try out
        if (currentPhase == MatchConstants.PHASE_BEGINNING_UNTAP)
            CACHEHIT = false;
            int actionCounter = 0;
            Vector<CardAndMana> willBeActions = new Vector<CardAndMana>();
            Vector<CardAndMana> futurePlanWithoutActions = new Vector<CardAndMana>();

            CardSimList lands = vMatch.getLand(E.pNumber);
            CardSimList creatures = vMatch.getBattlefield(E.pNumber);
            Vector ls = lands.getCards();
            for (int i = 0; i < ls.size(); i++)
                CardSim card = (CardSim) ls.elementAt(i);
                if (card.isTapped())
                    CardAndMana untapLand = new CardAndMana(CardAndMana.CAM_UNTAP,card, null);
            Vector cs = creatures.getCards();
            for (int i = 0; i < cs.size(); i++)
                CardSim card = (CardSim) cs.elementAt(i);
                if (card.isTapped())
                    CardAndMana untapCreature = new CardAndMana(CardAndMana.CAM_UNTAP,card, null);

            if (willBeActions.isEmpty())
                // will allways be empty if nextRound() by match was played
                // sincew vmatch resets all tapped items on newRound()!
                EAIPlanTree leaf = new EAIPlanTree(this, false);

            EAIPlanTree leaf = new EAIPlanTree(this);
            leaf.futurePrePlan = futurePlanWithoutActions;
            while (!willBeActions.isEmpty())
                CardAndMana cam = willBeActions.elementAt(0);
                boolean reEvaluate = leaf.leafExceuteOneAction(cam, new Vector<EAIAction>(), player, null); // no targets (as of yet) for untapping
            leaf.playerScore = Weighting.DEFAULT.buildScore(leaf.getMatch(), player, false);
            leaf.opponentScore = Weighting.DEFAULT.buildScore(leaf.getMatch(), (player+1)%2, false);
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    boolean isNeededInFuture(String color, Vector<CardAndMana>otherPossiblePlayouts)
        for (int i = 0; i < otherPossiblePlayouts.size(); i++)
            CardAndMana cardAndMana = otherPossiblePlayouts.elementAt(i);
            if (cardAndMana.cost.getMana(color) != 0)
                return true;
        return false;
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