If you need to persist the access token in a data store, use {@link CredentialStore} and{@link Builder#addRefreshListener(CredentialRefreshListener)}.
If you have a custom request initializer, request execute interceptor, or unsuccessful response handler, take a look at the sample usage for {@link HttpExecuteInterceptor} and{@link HttpUnsuccessfulResponseHandler}, which are interfaces that this class also implements.
@since 1.7 @author Yaniv InbarWarning: starting with version 1.7, usage of this for OAuth 2.0 is deprecated. Instead use {@link com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.Credential}.
@author moshenko@google.com (Jacob Moshenko) @since 1.4Settings system assumes that subclasses implement a constructor that takes a name only. @author stack @version $Revision$, $Date$
Often a Credential is related to a Password via a one way algorithm, so while a Password itself is a Credential, a UnixCrypt or MD5 digest of a a password is only a credential that can be checked against the password.
This class includes an implementation for unix Crypt an MD5 digest. @see Password @version $Id: Credential.java,v 1.7 2005/08/13 00:01:28 gregwilkins Exp $ @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)
Often a Credential is related to a Password via a one way algorithm, so while a Password itself is a Credential, a UnixCrypt or MD5 digest of a a password is only a credential that can be checked against the password.
This class includes an implementation for unix Crypt an MD5 digest. @see Password
Often a Credential is related to a Password via a one way algorithm, so while a Password itself is a Credential, a UnixCrypt or MD5 digest of a a password is only a credential that can be checked against the password.
This class includes an implementation for unix Crypt an MD5 digest. @see Password @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)
In JMX Connection, one and only one instance of this class is expected to be found in each of the publicCredentials
and privateCredentials
sets of {@link javax.security.auth.Subject}. Those are the Jmx Client connection that will handle incoming requests.
Often a Credential is related to a Password via a one way algorithm, so while a Password itself is a Credential, a UnixCrypt or MD5 digest of a a password is only a credential that can be checked against the password.
This class includes an implementation for unix Crypt an MD5 digest. @see Password @version $Id: Credential.java,v 1.7 2005/08/13 00:01:28 gregwilkins Exp $ @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)