Examples of CpeCasProcessor

Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

        // entries.
        numProcessors = aList.size() - procIndex;
      } else {
        numProcessors = processorList.getAllCpeCasProcessors().length;
      CpeCasProcessor newProcessor = null;

      // Now add each casProcessor to a descriptor
      for (int i = 0; i < numProcessors; i++) {
        String[] casProcInfo = (String[]) aList.get(procIndex + i);
        if (create) {
          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                    "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), casProcInfo[0] });
          // The list suppose to contain an array of Strings of size 2.
          // Where the the first element is the name of the CasProcessor
          // and the second is the descriptor path
          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.FINEST, this.getClass().getName(),
                    "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), casProcInfo[0] });
          newProcessor = addCasProcessor(casProcInfo[0]);
        } else {
          newProcessor = processorList.getCpeCasProcessor(i);
        if (newProcessor != null) {

      if (create) {
        // Set global flag as an indicator that the CPE Descriptor has been instantiated
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

        // CasProcessor will
        // simply use it, and will be added to this container's instance pool.
        if (processingContainer == null) {
          ProcessingResourceMetaData metaData = casProcessor.getProcessingResourceMetaData();

          CpeCasProcessor cpeCasProcessor = (CpeCasProcessor) cpeFactory.casProcessorConfigMap
          if (engine != null) {
            boolean parallelizable = engine.isParallizable(casProcessor, metaData.getName());
          casProcessorPool = new ServiceProxyPool();
          // Instantiate an object that encapsulates CasProcessor configuration
          casProcessorConfig = new CasProcessorConfigurationJAXBImpl(cpeCasProcessor, cpeFactory.getResourceManager());
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

        // container will be created and initialized. Any subsequent deployments of this
        // CasProcessor will
        // simply use it, and will be added to this container's instance pool.
        if (processingContainer == null) {
          ProcessingResourceMetaData metaData = casProcessor.getProcessingResourceMetaData();
          CpeCasProcessor casProcessorType = (CpeCasProcessor) cpeFactory.casProcessorConfigMap
          // Create a pool to hold instances of CasProcessors. Instances are managed by a container
          // through
          // getCasProcessor() and releaseProcessor() methods.
          casProcessorPool = new ServiceProxyPool();
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

        return false; // by default the CasConsumer is not parallizable
      return true; // by dafault AEs are parallizable
    // Retrieve Cas Processor's CPE descriptor configuration.
    CpeCasProcessor casProcessorCPEConfig = (CpeCasProcessor) cpeFactory.casProcessorConfigMap

    if (Constants.DEPLOYMENT_LOCAL.equalsIgnoreCase(casProcessorCPEConfig.getDeployment())) {
      // Extract the client service descriptor.
      URL descriptorUrl = cpeFactory.getDescriptorURL(casProcessorCPEConfig);
      Descriptor descriptor = new Descriptor(descriptorUrl.toString());
      // From the client service descriptor extract the actual Cas Processor descriptor
      String aResourceSpecifierPath = descriptor.getResourceSpecifierPath();
      // Determine if this Cas Processor is parallelizable
      boolean is = isMultipleDeploymentAllowed(aResourceSpecifierPath, casProcessorCPEConfig
              .getName(), isConsumer);
      return is;
    } else if (Constants.DEPLOYMENT_INTEGRATED.equalsIgnoreCase(casProcessorCPEConfig
            .getDeployment())) {
      // If OperationalProperties are not defined use defaults based on CasProcessor type
      if (aProcessor.getProcessingResourceMetaData().getOperationalProperties() == null) {
        if (isConsumer) {
          return false; // default for CasConsumer
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

          // Get a deployer for this type of CasProcessor. The type of deployer is determined from
          // the
          // CPE Configuration. Specifically from the deployment model for this CasProcessor.
          CpeCasProcessor casProcessorType = (CpeCasProcessor) cpeFactory.casProcessorConfigMap
          deployer = DeployFactory.getDeployer(cpeFactory, casProcessorType, pca);
          // Deploy CasConsumer.
          ProcessingContainer container = deployer.deployCasProcessor(cpList, false);
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

            throw new Exception(CpmLocalizedMessage.getLocalizedMessage(
                    CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_EXP_missing_cp__WARNING",
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), name }));
          CpeCasProcessor casProcessorCPEConfig = (CpeCasProcessor) cpeFactory.casProcessorConfigMap
          if (casProcessorCPEConfig == null) {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {

                      this.getClass().getName(), "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), name });
            throw new Exception(CpmLocalizedMessage.getLocalizedMessage(
                    CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_EXP_missing_cp__WARNING",
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), name }));
          } else if (casProcessorCPEConfig.getDeployment() == null
                  || casProcessorCPEConfig.getDeployment().trim().length() == 0) {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), name });
            throw new Exception(CpmLocalizedMessage.getLocalizedMessage(
                    "UIMA_CPM_Exception_invalid_deployment__WARNING", new Object[] {
                        Thread.currentThread().getName(), name,
                        casProcessorCPEConfig.getDeployment() }));

          deployer = DeployFactory.getDeployer(cpeFactory, casProcessorCPEConfig, pca);
          // Deploy CasConsumer.
          ProcessingContainer container = deployer.deployCasProcessor(cpList, false);
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

        // container will be created and initialized. Any subsequent deployments of this
        // CasProcessor will
        // simply use it, and will be added to this container's instance pool.
        if (processingContainer == null) {
          ProcessingResourceMetaData metaData = cProcessor.getProcessingResourceMetaData();
          CpeCasProcessor casProcessorType = (CpeCasProcessor) cpeFactory.casProcessorConfigMap
          // Create a pool to hold instances of CasProcessors. Instances are managed by a container
          // through
          // getCasProcessor() and releaseProcessor() methods.
          // Create CasProcess Configuration holding info defined in the CPE descriptor
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

    // Analysis Engines
    for (int i = 0; i < aeSpecifiers.size(); i++) {
      CpeCasProcessor casProc = currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().getCpeCasProcessor(i);
      AnalysisEnginePanel aePanel = (AnalysisEnginePanel) aeTabbedPane.getComponentAt(i);
      if (aePanel.isModified()) {
        CasProcessorConfigurationParameterSettings settings = CpeDescriptorFactory
        createParameterOverrides(settings, aePanel);
      } else {
    // CAS Consumers
    for (int i = 0; i < consumerSpecifiers.size(); i++) {
      CpeCasProcessor casProc = currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().getCpeCasProcessor(
              aeSpecifiers.size() + i);
      ConsumerPanel consumerPanel = (ConsumerPanel) consumerTabbedPane.getComponentAt(i);
      if (consumerPanel.isModified()) {
        CasProcessorConfigurationParameterSettings settings = CpeDescriptorFactory
        createParameterOverrides(settings, consumerPanel);
      } else {
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor

    } else if (source == moveAeLeftButton) {
      int index = aeTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();
      if (index > 0) {
        // update CPE descriptor
        try {
          CpeCasProcessor casProcToMove = currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().getCpeCasProcessor(
          currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().addCpeCasProcessor(casProcToMove, index - 1);
        } catch (CpeDescriptorException e) {
        // update GUI
        aeTabbedPane.moveTab(index, index - 1);
        aeTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(index - 1);
        Object specifierToMove = aeSpecifiers.remove(index);
        aeSpecifiers.add(index - 1, specifierToMove);
    } else if (source == moveAeRightButton) {
      int index = aeTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();
      if (index > -1 && index < aeTabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1) {
        // update CPE descriptor
        try {
          CpeCasProcessor casProcToMove = currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().getCpeCasProcessor(
          currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().addCpeCasProcessor(casProcToMove, index + 1);
        } catch (CpeDescriptorException e) {
        // update GUI
        aeTabbedPane.moveTab(index, index + 1);
        aeTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(index + 1);
        Object specifierToMove = aeSpecifiers.remove(index);
        aeSpecifiers.add(index + 1, specifierToMove);
    } else if (source == addConsumerButton) {
      int rv = consumerFileChooser.showOpenDialog(addConsumerButton);

      if (rv == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {

        File file = consumerFileChooser.getSelectedFile();

        // Create consumer panel on the tabbed pane
        // for this consumer specifier file:

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        int lastTabIndex = consumerTabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1;

    } else if (source == moveConsumerLeftButton) {
      int index = consumerTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();
      if (index > 0) {
        // update CPE descriptor
        try {
          int absIndex = aeSpecifiers.size() + index;
          CpeCasProcessor casProcToMove = currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().getCpeCasProcessor(
          currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().addCpeCasProcessor(casProcToMove, absIndex - 1);
        } catch (CpeDescriptorException e) {
        // update GUI
        consumerTabbedPane.moveTab(index, index - 1);
        consumerTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(index - 1);
        Object specifierToMove = consumerSpecifiers.remove(index);
        consumerSpecifiers.add(index - 1, specifierToMove);
    } else if (source == moveConsumerRightButton) {
      int index = consumerTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();
      if (index > -1 && index < consumerTabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1) {
        // update CPE descriptor
        try {
          int absIndex = aeSpecifiers.size() + index;
          CpeCasProcessor casProcToMove = currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().getCpeCasProcessor(
          currentCpeDesc.getCpeCasProcessors().addCpeCasProcessor(casProcToMove, absIndex + 1);
        } catch (CpeDescriptorException e) {
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeCasProcessor


  private void addAE(String aeSpecifierFile) throws CpeDescriptorException, InvalidXMLException,
          IOException, ResourceConfigurationException {
    String tempAeName = new File(aeSpecifierFile).getName(); // overriden later
    CpeCasProcessor casProc = CpeDescriptorFactory.produceCasProcessor(tempAeName);

    // add to pipeline as last AE but before CAS Consumers
    currentCpeDesc.addCasProcessor(aeTabbedPane.getTabCount(), casProc);

    // update GUI
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