Package convwatch

Examples of convwatch.StatusHelper

                String sSourcePath1 = FileHelper.getPath(sOrigDiffName);
                String sSourceFile1 = sDiffBasename;
                String sSourcePath2 = _sAbsoluteDiffPath;
                String sSourceFile2 = sDiffBasename;
                StatusHelper aCurrentStatus = aCompare.checkDiffDiff(_sOutputPath, sSourcePath1, sSourceFile1, sSourcePath2, sSourceFile2);
                boolean bCurrentResult = (aCurrentStatus.nDiffStatus == StatusHelper.DIFF_NO_DIFFERENCES); // logic: nDiff==0 = true if there is no difference
                bDiffIsOk &= bCurrentResult;
                bFoundAOldDiff = true;

                aDiffDiffList[i] = aCurrentStatus;
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                String sSourcePath1 = FileHelper.getPath(sOrigDiffName);
                String sSourceFile1 = sDiffBasename;
                String sSourcePath2 = _sAbsoluteDiffPath;
                String sSourceFile2 = sDiffBasename;
                StatusHelper aCurrentStatus = aCompare.checkDiffDiff(_sOutputPath, sSourcePath1, sSourceFile1, sSourcePath2, sSourceFile2);
                boolean bCurrentResult = (aCurrentStatus.nDiffStatus == StatusHelper.DIFF_NO_DIFFERENCES); // logic: nDiff==0 = true if there is no difference
                bDiffIsOk &= bCurrentResult;
                bFoundAOldDiff = true;

                aDiffDiffList[i] = aCurrentStatus;
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                String sNewGfx =  getJPEGName(_sSourcePath2, sS2Basename, StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                String sDiffGfx_ = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, sS1Basename + ".diff", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));

                String sDiffGfx = compareJPEGs(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx_);
                StatusHelper aStatus = new StatusHelper(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                // if (FileHelper.exists(sDiffGfx))
                if (sDiffGfx.length() > 0)
                    int nResult = identify(sDiffGfx);
                    if (nResult == 1)
                        aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_NO_DIFFERENCES;
                            int nPercent = estimateGfx(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                            aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_DIFFERENCES_FOUND;
                            aStatus.nPercent = nPercent;

                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World:  Percent:= " + nPercent);
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World: TriState:= " + _tUseBorderMove.intValue());
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World:  DocType:= " + m_sDocumentType);
// TODO: insert here the new BorderRemover if the percentage value is creater than 75%
                            if (nPercent > 75 &&
                                ((_tUseBorderMove == TriState.TRUE ) ||
                                 ((_tUseBorderMove == TriState.UNSET) &&
                                  m_sDocumentType.indexOf("MS PowerPoint") > 0)))
                                String sOld_BM_Gfx =  getJPEGName(_sSourcePath1, sS1Basename + ".BM", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                                String sNew_BM_Gfx =  getJPEGName(_sSourcePath2, sS2Basename + ".BM", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                                String sDiff_BM_Gfx_ = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, sS1Basename + ".diff.BM", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                                aStatus.setFilesForBorderMove(sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx, sDiff_BM_Gfx_);
                                    BorderRemover a = new BorderRemover();
                                    a.createNewImageWithoutBorder(sOldGfx, sOld_BM_Gfx);
                                    a.createNewImageWithoutBorder(sNewGfx, sNew_BM_Gfx);
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                String sNewGfx =  _aPSList[i];
                // String sDiffGfx_ = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, sS1Basename + ".diff", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));

                String sDiffGfx = compareJPEGs(sOldGfx, sNewGfx );
                StatusHelper aStatus = new StatusHelper(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                // if (FileHelper.exists(sDiffGfx))
                if (sDiffGfx.length() > 0)
                    int nResult = identify(sDiffGfx);
                    if (nResult == 1)
                        aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_NO_DIFFERENCES;
                            int nPercent = estimateGfx(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World:  Percent:= " + nPercent);
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World: TriState:= " + _tUseBorderMove.intValue());
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World:  DocType:= " + m_sDocumentType);
                            aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_DIFFERENCES_FOUND;
                            aStatus.nPercent = nPercent;
                            if (nPercent > 75 &&
                                ((_tUseBorderMove == TriState.TRUE ) ||
                                 ((_tUseBorderMove == TriState.UNSET) &&
                                  m_sDocumentType.indexOf("MS PowerPoint") > 0)))
                                _tUseBorderMove = TriState.TRUE;
//  TODO: problem is here, that we have to create some new names.

                                String sBasename1 = FileHelper.getBasename(sOldGfx);
                                String sNameNoSuffix1 = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename1);
                                String sBasename2 = FileHelper.getBasename(sNewGfx);
                                String sNameNoSuffix2 = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename2);
                                String sTmpDir = util.utils.getUsersTempDir();
                                String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");

                                String sOld_BM_Gfx =  sTmpDir + fs + sNameNoSuffix1 + "-BM-" + StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4) + ".jpg";
                                String sNew_BM_Gfx =  sTmpDir + fs + sNameNoSuffix2 + "-BM-" + StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4) + ".jpg";
                                    BorderRemover a = new BorderRemover();
                                    a.createNewImageWithoutBorder(sOldGfx, sOld_BM_Gfx);
                                    a.createNewImageWithoutBorder(sNewGfx, sNew_BM_Gfx);
                                    String sDiff_BM_Gfx = compareJPEGs( sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx );
                                    aStatus.setFilesForBorderMove(sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx, sDiff_BM_Gfx);
                                    // if (FileHelper.exists(sDiff_BM_Gfx))
                                    if (sDiff_BM_Gfx.length() > 0)
                                        nResult = identify(sDiff_BM_Gfx);
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            int nNumber = 1;
            String sDiffGfx;
            sDiffGfx = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, _sSourceFile1 + ".diff", StringHelper.createValueString(nNumber, 4));
            StatusHelper aCurrentStatus = new StatusHelper(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);

            // String sComposite = "composite";
            // if (OSHelper.isWindows())
            // {
            //     sComposite = "composite.exe";
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Related Classes of convwatch.StatusHelper

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