Package convwatch

Examples of convwatch.ConvWatchCancelException

//  TODO: some more checks

            if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteInputFile))
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Input file: " + _sAbsoluteInputFile + " does not exist.");

            if (_sAbsoluteReferenceFile == null)
                // we assume, that the prn file is near the document
                String sAbsoluteInputFileNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
                _sAbsoluteReferenceFile = sAbsoluteInputFileNoSuffix + ".prn";

            String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
            File aAbsoluteReferenceFile = new File(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile);

            if (aAbsoluteReferenceFile.isDirectory())
                String sBasename = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
                String sNameNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename);
                String sAbsoluteReferenceFileInfo = _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + fs + sNameNoSuffix + ".info";
                _sAbsoluteReferenceFile = _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + fs + sNameNoSuffix + ".prn";

                // Read the reference from the info file
                String sRefBuildID = "";
                if (FileHelper.exists(sAbsoluteReferenceFileInfo))
                    sRefBuildID = getBuildID_FromFile(sAbsoluteReferenceFileInfo);

                // java file has problems to check for directories, if the given directory doesn't exist.
                String sName = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile);
                // thanks to Mircosoft, every document has a suffix, so if a name doesn't have a suffix, it must be a directory name
                int nIdx = sName.indexOf('.');
                if (nIdx == -1)
                    // must be a directory
                    throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Given reference directory: '" + _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + "' does not exist.");
            boolean bAbsoluteReferenceFile = true;
            if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile))
                if (_aGTA.createDefaultReference())
                    GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Reference File doesn't exist, will create a default");
                    bAbsoluteReferenceFile = false;
                    throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Given reference file: " + _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + " does not exist.");
            FileHelper.makeDirectories("", _sOutputPath);


            String sAbsoluteInputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile);

            String sInputFile = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
            // System.out.println("InputFile: " + sInputFile);
            String sInputFileNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sInputFile);
            // System.out.println("BasenameNoSuffix: " + sInputFileNoSuffix);

            String sAbsoluteOutputFile = _sOutputPath + fs + sInputFile;
            String sAbsoluteOutputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sAbsoluteOutputFile);

            String sReferenceFile = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile);
            String sReferenceFileNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sReferenceFile);
            String sPostScriptFile = sReferenceFileNoSuffix + ".ps";
            // System.out.println("PostscriptFile: " + sPostScriptFile);

            String sAbsolutePrintFile = _sOutputPath + fs + sPostScriptFile;
            String sAbsolutePrintFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sAbsolutePrintFile);
            // System.out.println("AbsoluteInputFileURL: " + sAbsoluteInputFileURL);
            // System.out.println("AbsoluteOutputFileURL: " + sAbsoluteOutputFileURL);
            // System.out.println("AbsolutePrintFileURL: " + sAbsolutePrintFileURL);

            // store and print the sAbsoluteInputFileURL file with StarOffice /
            OfficePrint.printToFile(_aGTA, sAbsoluteInputFileURL, sAbsoluteOutputFileURL, sAbsolutePrintFileURL);

            // wait(2);
            if (! FileHelper.exists(sAbsolutePrintFile))
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Printed file " + sAbsolutePrintFile + " does not exist.");

            if (bAbsoluteReferenceFile == false)
                // copy AbsolutePrintFile to AbsoluteReferenceFile
                String sDestinationFile = sAbsolutePrintFile; // URLHelper.getSystemPathFromFileURL(...)
                String sSourceFile = _sAbsoluteReferenceFile;
                FileHelper.copy(sDestinationFile, sSourceFile);
                // now the fix reference of the AbsoluteReferenceFile should exist.
                if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile))
                    throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Given reference file: " + _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + " does not exist, after try to copy.");
            PRNCompare a = new PRNCompare();
            String sInputPath = FileHelper.getPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
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            createINIStatus_DiffDiff(aDiffDiffList, "DiffDiff_", _sOutputPath, _sAbsoluteInputFile, _aGTA.getBuildID());

            if (bFoundAOldDiff == false)
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("No old difference file found." );
            if (! bDiffIsOk)
                throw new ConvWatchException("Graphical difference compare failed with file '" + _sAbsoluteInputFile + "'");
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                                         String _sAbsoluteInputFile)
        throws ConvWatchCancelException
            if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteInputFile))
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("buildReference(): Input file: " + _sAbsoluteInputFile + " does not exist.");

            String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");

            String sInputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
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                    catch(ConvWatchCancelException e)
                        throw new ConvWatchCancelException("Exception caught. Problem with MSOffice printer methods.");
                    catch( e)
                        throw new ConvWatchCancelException("IOException caught. Problem with MSOffice printer methods.");
                    bBack = true;
                    GlobalLogWriter.get().println("This document type is not recognized as MSOffice format, as default fallback StarOffice/ instead is used.");
                    bBack = printToFileWithOOo(_aGTA, _sInputFileURL, _sOutputFileURL, _sPrintFileURL);
                // System.out.println("");
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("OfficePrint.printToFile(): Unknown print type.");
            return bBack;
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        XStorable xStorable = null;
        xStorable  = (, xComponent);
        if(xStorable == null)
            throw new ConvWatchCancelException(" could not be instantiated from the office.");

        PropertyValue pvFilterName = new PropertyValue("FilterName", -1, exportFilter,;
        PropertyValue pvOverwrite = new PropertyValue("Overwrite", -1, new Boolean(true),;

            xStorable.storeAsURL(resultURL, new PropertyValue[]{pvFilterName, pvOverwrite});
        catch ( e)
            // wrap IOException
            throw new ConvWatchCancelException("Wrap IOException caught, " + e.getMessage());

        GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Saving XComponent as " + resultURL);

        return resultURL;
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        XStorable xStorable = null;
        xStorable  = (, xComponent);
        if(xStorable == null)
            throw new ConvWatchCancelException(" could not be instantiated from the office.");

        PropertyValue pvFilterName = new PropertyValue("FilterName", -1, exportFilter,;
        PropertyValue pvOverwrite = new PropertyValue("Overwrite", -1, new Boolean(true),;

            xStorable.storeAsURL(resultURL, new PropertyValue[]{pvFilterName, pvOverwrite});
        catch ( e)
            // wrap IOException
            throw new ConvWatchCancelException("Wrap IOException caught, " + e.getMessage());

        GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Saving XComponent as " + resultURL);

        return resultURL;
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                                         String _sAbsoluteInputFile)
        throws ConvWatchCancelException
            if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteInputFile))
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("buildReference(): Input file: " + _sAbsoluteInputFile + " does not exist.");

            String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");

            String sInputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
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                    catch(ConvWatchCancelException e)
                        throw new ConvWatchCancelException("Exception caught. Problem with MSOffice printer methods.");
                    catch( e)
                        throw new ConvWatchCancelException("IOException caught. Problem with MSOffice printer methods.");
                    bBack = true;
                    GlobalLogWriter.get().println("This document type is not recognized as MSOffice format, as default fallback StarOffice/ instead is used.");
                    bBack = printToFileWithOOo(_aGTA, _sInputFileURL, _sOutputFileURL, _sPrintFileURL);
                // System.out.println("");
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("OfficePrint.printToFile(): Unknown print type.");
            return bBack;
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        XStorable xStorable = null;
        xStorable  = (, xComponent);
        if(xStorable == null)
            throw new ConvWatchCancelException(" could not be instantiated from the office.");

        PropertyValue pvFilterName = new PropertyValue("FilterName", -1, exportFilter,;
        PropertyValue pvOverwrite = new PropertyValue("Overwrite", -1, new Boolean(true),;

            xStorable.storeAsURL(resultURL, new PropertyValue[]{pvFilterName, pvOverwrite});
        catch ( e)
            // wrap IOException
            throw new ConvWatchCancelException("Wrap IOException caught, " + e.getMessage());

        GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Saving XComponent as " + resultURL);

        return resultURL;
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//  TODO: some more checks

            if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteInputFile))
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Input file: " + _sAbsoluteInputFile + " does not exist.");

            if (_sAbsoluteReferenceFile == null)
                // we assume, that the prn file is near the document
                String sAbsoluteInputFileNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
                _sAbsoluteReferenceFile = sAbsoluteInputFileNoSuffix + ".prn";

            String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
            File aAbsoluteReferenceFile = new File(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile);

            if (aAbsoluteReferenceFile.isDirectory())
                String sBasename = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
                String sNameNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename);
                String sAbsoluteReferenceFileInfo = _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + fs + sNameNoSuffix + ".info";
                _sAbsoluteReferenceFile = _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + fs + sNameNoSuffix + ".prn";

                // Read the reference from the info file
                String sRefBuildID = "";
                if (FileHelper.exists(sAbsoluteReferenceFileInfo))
                    sRefBuildID = getBuildID_FromFile(sAbsoluteReferenceFileInfo);

                // java file has problems to check for directories, if the given directory doesn't exist.
                String sName = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile);
                // thanks to Mircosoft, every document has a suffix, so if a name doesn't have a suffix, it must be a directory name
                int nIdx = sName.indexOf('.');
                if (nIdx == -1)
                    // must be a directory
                    throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Given reference directory: '" + _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + "' does not exist.");
            if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile))
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Given reference file: " + _sAbsoluteReferenceFile + " does not exist.");
            FileHelper.makeDirectories("", _sOutputPath);


            String sAbsoluteInputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile);

            String sInputFile = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
            // System.out.println("InputFile: " + sInputFile);
            String sInputFileNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sInputFile);
            // System.out.println("BasenameNoSuffix: " + sInputFileNoSuffix);

            String sAbsoluteOutputFile = _sOutputPath + fs + sInputFile;
            String sAbsoluteOutputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sAbsoluteOutputFile);

            String sReferenceFile = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile);
            String sReferenceFileNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sReferenceFile);
            String sPostScriptFile = sReferenceFileNoSuffix + ".ps";
            // System.out.println("PostscriptFile: " + sPostScriptFile);

            String sAbsolutePrintFile = _sOutputPath + fs + sPostScriptFile;
            String sAbsolutePrintFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sAbsolutePrintFile);
            // System.out.println("AbsoluteInputFileURL: " + sAbsoluteInputFileURL);
            // System.out.println("AbsoluteOutputFileURL: " + sAbsoluteOutputFileURL);
            // System.out.println("AbsolutePrintFileURL: " + sAbsolutePrintFileURL);

            // store and print the sAbsoluteInputFileURL file with StarOffice /
            OfficePrint.printToFile(_aGTA, sAbsoluteInputFileURL, sAbsoluteOutputFileURL, sAbsolutePrintFileURL);

            // wait(2);
            if (! FileHelper.exists(sAbsolutePrintFile))
                throw new ConvWatchCancelException("createPostscriptStartCheck: Printed file " + sAbsolutePrintFile + " does not exist.");

            PRNCompare a = new PRNCompare();
            String sInputPath = FileHelper.getPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile);
            String sReferencePath = FileHelper.getPath(_sAbsoluteReferenceFile);
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Related Classes of convwatch.ConvWatchCancelException

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