QName stepName = getOption(_step, (QName) null);
XPipeline pipeline = null;
if (XProcConstants.p_pipeline.equals(piperoot.getNodeName())
|| XProcConstants.p_declare_step.equals(piperoot.getNodeName())) {
if (stepName != null) {
throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "Step option can only be used when loading a p:library");
pipeline = innerRuntime.use(pipedoc);
} else if (XProcConstants.p_library.equals(piperoot.getNodeName())) {
XLibrary library = innerRuntime.useLibrary(piperoot);
if (stepName == null) {
pipeline = library.getFirstPipeline();
} else {
pipeline = library.getPipeline(stepName);
Set<String> inputports = pipeline.getInputs();
Set<String> outputports = pipeline.getOutputs();
int inputCount = 0;
for (String port : inputports) {
XInput input = pipeline.getInput(port);
if (input.getParameters()) {
// nop; it's ok for these to be unbound
} else {
boolean detailed = getOption(_detailed, false);
if (!detailed && (inputCount > 1 || outputports.size() > 1)) {
throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "You must specify detailed='true' to eval pipelines with multiple inputs or outputs");
DeclareStep decl = pipeline.getDeclareStep();
String primaryin = null;
Iterator<String> portiter = inputports.iterator();
while (portiter.hasNext()) {
String port = portiter.next();
Input input = decl.getInput(port);
if (!input.getParameterInput() && ((inputports.size() == 1 && !input.getPrimarySet()) || input.getPrimary())) {
primaryin = port;
Hashtable<String,Vector<XdmNode>> inputs = new Hashtable<String,Vector<XdmNode>> ();
for (ReadablePipe pipe : sources) {
while (pipe.moreDocuments()) {
String port = primaryin;
XdmNode doc = pipe.read();
XdmNode root = S9apiUtils.getDocumentElement(doc);
if (detailed && cx_document.equals(root.getNodeName())) {
port = root.getAttributeValue(_port);
// FIXME: support exclude-inline-prefixes
boolean seenelem = false;
XdmDestination dest = new XdmDestination();
Vector<XdmValue> nodes = new Vector<XdmValue> ();
XdmSequenceIterator iter = root.axisIterator(Axis.CHILD);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
XdmNode child = (XdmNode) iter.next();
if (child.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
if (seenelem) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a well-formed inline document");
seenelem = true;
S9apiUtils.writeXdmValue(runtime, nodes, dest, root.getBaseURI());
doc = dest.getXdmNode();
if (port == null) {
throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "You must use cx:document for pipelines with no primary input port");
if (!inputs.containsKey(port)) {
inputs.put(port, new Vector<XdmNode> ());
for (String port : inputs.keySet()) {
if (inputports.contains(port)) {
for (XdmNode node : inputs.get(port)) {
pipeline.writeTo(port, node);
} else {
throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "Eval pipeline has no input port named '" + port + "'");
if (params != null) {
for (QName name : params.keySet()) {
pipeline.setParameter(name, params.get(name));
for (ReadablePipe pipe : options) {
while (pipe.moreDocuments()) {
XdmNode doc = pipe.read();
XdmNode root = S9apiUtils.getDocumentElement(doc);
if (!cx_options.equals(root.getNodeName())) {
throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "Options port must be a cx:options document.");
for (XdmNode opt : new AxisNodes(runtime, root, Axis.CHILD, AxisNodes.SIGNIFICANT)) {
if (opt.getNodeKind() != XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT || !cx_option.equals(opt.getNodeName())) {
throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "A cx:options document must only contain cx:option elements");
String name = opt.getAttributeValue(_name);
QName qname = new QName(name, opt);
String value = opt.getAttributeValue(_value);
if (name == null || value == null) {
throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "A cx:option element must have name and value attributes");
RuntimeValue runtimeValue = new RuntimeValue(value);
pipeline.passOption(qname, runtimeValue);