Package com.xensource.xenapi

Examples of com.xensource.xenapi.VDI

            SR srcSr = createFileSr(conn, uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath(), volumeDirectory);
            Task task = null;
            try {
                SR primaryStoragePool = hypervisorResource.getStorageRepository(conn, primaryStore.getUuid());
                VDI srcVdi = VDI.getByUuid(conn, volumeUuid);
                task = srcVdi.copyAsync2(conn, primaryStoragePool, null, null);
                // poll every 1 seconds ,
                hypervisorResource.waitForTask(conn, task, 1000, wait * 1000);
                hypervisorResource.checkForSuccess(conn, task);
                VDI destVdi = Types.toVDI(task, conn);
                VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();

                return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String msg = "Catch Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + " due to " + e.toString();
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        int index = srcPath.lastIndexOf("/");
        String srcDir = srcPath.substring(0, index);
        String destDir = destObj.getPath();
        SR srcSr = null;
        SR destSr = null;
        VDI destVdi = null;
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            srcSr = createFileSr(conn, srcUri.getHost() + ":" + srcUri.getPath(), srcDir);

            String destNfsPath = destUri.getHost() + ":" + destUri.getPath();
            String localDir = "/var/cloud_mount/" + UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(destNfsPath.getBytes());
            mountNfs(conn, destUri.getHost() + ":" + destUri.getPath(), localDir);
            makeDirectory(conn, localDir + "/" + destDir);
            destSr = createFileSR(conn, localDir + "/" + destDir);

            String nameLabel = "cloud-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();

            String[] parents = srcObj.getParents();
            List<VDI> snapshotChains = new ArrayList<VDI>();
            if (parents != null) {
                for(int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
                    String snChainPath = parents[i];
                    String uuid = getSnapshotUuid(snChainPath);
                    VDI chain = VDI.getByUuid(conn, uuid);
            String snapshotUuid = getSnapshotUuid(srcPath);
            VDI snapshotVdi = VDI.getByUuid(conn, snapshotUuid);

            long templateVirtualSize = snapshotChains.get(0).getVirtualSize(conn);
            destVdi = createVdi(conn, nameLabel, destSr, templateVirtualSize);
            String destVdiUuid = destVdi.getUuid(conn);
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            Map<String, VDI> vdiMap = new HashMap<String, VDI>();
            // get vdi:vbdr to a map
            for (VBD vbd : vbds) {
                VBD.Record vbdr = vbd.getRecord(conn);
                if (vbdr.type == Types.VbdType.DISK) {
                    VDI vdi = vbdr.VDI;
                    vdiMap.put(vbdr.userdevice, vdi);

            if (!snapshotMemory) {
                vmState = VirtualMachine.State.Stopped;
            } else {
                s_vms.put(_cluster, _name, vmName, State.Running);
                vmState = VirtualMachine.State.Running;

            // after revert, VM's volumes path have been changed, need to report to manager
            for (VolumeObjectTO volumeTo : listVolumeTo) {
                Long deviceId = volumeTo.getDeviceId();
                VDI vdi = vdiMap.get(deviceId.toString());

            return new RevertToVMSnapshotAnswer(cmd, listVolumeTo, vmState);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            s_logger.error("revert vm " + vmName + " to snapshot " + cmd.getTarget().getSnapshotName() + " failed due to " + e.getMessage());
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        VM vm = vms.iterator().next();
        Set<VBD> vbds = vm.getVBDs(conn);
        for (VBD vbd : vbds) {
            VBD.Record vbdr = vbd.getRecord(conn);
            if (vbdr.type == Types.VbdType.CD && vbdr.empty == false) {
                VDI vdi = vbdr.VDI;
                SR sr = vdi.getSR(conn);
                Set<PBD> pbds = sr.getPBDs(conn);
                if (pbds == null) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("There is no pbd for sr " + sr);
                for (PBD pbd : pbds) {
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            SR isoSr = createIsoSRbyURI(conn, uri, vmName, false);

            String isoname = isoPath.substring(index + 1);

            VDI isoVdi = getVDIbyLocationandSR(conn, isoname, isoSr);

            if (isoVdi == null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find ISO " + isoPath);
            return isoVdi;
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                        + gpuDevice.getGpuGroup() + " for VM " + vmName );
                createVGPU(conn, cmd, vm, gpuDevice);

            for (DiskTO disk : vmSpec.getDisks()) {
                VDI newVdi = prepareManagedDisk(conn, disk, vmName);

                if (newVdi != null) {
                    String path = newVdi.getUuid(conn);

                    iqnToPath.put(disk.getDetails().get(DiskTO.IQN), path);

                createVbd(conn, disk, vmName, vm, vmSpec.getBootloader(), newVdi);
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    protected VDI prepareManagedStorage(Connection conn, Map<String, String> details, String path, String vdiNameLabel) throws Exception {
        SR sr = prepareManagedSr(conn, details);

        VDI vdi = getVDIbyUuid(conn, path, false);

        if (vdi == null) {
            Long volumeSize = Long.parseLong(details.get(DiskTO.VOLUME_SIZE));

            vdi = createVdi(sr, vdiNameLabel, volumeSize);
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                poolsr = srs.iterator().next();
            String pUuid = poolsr.getUuid(conn);
            boolean isISCSI = IsISCSI(poolsr.getType(conn));
            String uuid = copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage(conn, tmplpath, pUuid, wait);
            VDI tmpl = getVDIbyUuid(conn, uuid);
            VDI snapshotvdi = tmpl.snapshot(conn, new HashMap<String, String>());
            String snapshotUuid = snapshotvdi.getUuid(conn);
            snapshotvdi.setNameLabel(conn, "Template " + cmd.getName());
            String parentuuid = getVhdParent(conn, pUuid, snapshotUuid, isISCSI);
            VDI parent = getVDIbyUuid(conn, parentuuid);
            Long phySize = parent.getPhysicalUtilisation(conn);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
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                s_logger.warn(msg, e);
        if (mounts != null) {
            for (Ternary<SR, VDI, VolumeVO> mount : mounts) {
                VDI vdi = mount.second();
                Set<VBD> vbds = null;
                try {
                    vbds = vdi.getVBDs(conn);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String msg = "VDI getVBDS failed due to " + e.toString();
                    s_logger.warn(msg, e);
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        try {
            task = vdi.copyAsync(conn, sr);
            // poll every 1 seconds , timeout after 2 hours
            waitForTask(conn, task, 1000, wait * 1000);
            checkForSuccess(conn, task);
            VDI dvdi = Types.toVDI(task, conn);
            return dvdi;
        } finally {
            if (task != null) {
                try {
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Related Classes of com.xensource.xenapi.VDI

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