Package com.xensource.xenapi

Examples of com.xensource.xenapi.SR

        Long accountId = cmd.getAccountId();
        String userSpecifiedName = cmd.getTemplateName();
        Long templateId = cmd.getTemplateId();
        int wait = cmd.getWait();
        String details = null;
        SR tmpltSR = null;
        boolean result = false;
        String secondaryStorageMountPath = null;
        String installPath = null;
        try {
            URI uri = new URI(secondaryStoragePoolURL);
            secondaryStorageMountPath = uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath();
            installPath = "template/tmpl/" + accountId + "/" + templateId;
            if( !createSecondaryStorageFolder(conn, secondaryStorageMountPath, installPath)) {
                details = " Filed to create folder " + installPath + " in secondary storage";
                return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(cmd, false, details);

            VDI volume = getVDIbyUuid(conn, volumeUUID);
            // create template SR
            URI tmpltURI = new URI(secondaryStoragePoolURL + "/" + installPath);
            tmpltSR = createNfsSRbyURI(conn, tmpltURI, false);

            // copy volume to template SR
            VDI tmpltVDI = cloudVDIcopy(conn, volume, tmpltSR, wait);
            // scan makes XenServer pick up VDI physicalSize
            if (userSpecifiedName != null) {
                tmpltVDI.setNameLabel(conn, userSpecifiedName);

            String tmpltUUID = tmpltVDI.getUuid(conn);
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        String details = null;
        boolean success = false;
        String snapshotBackupUuid = null;
        boolean fullbackup = true;
        try {
            SR primaryStorageSR = getSRByNameLabelandHost(conn, primaryStorageNameLabel);
            if (primaryStorageSR == null) {
                throw new InternalErrorException("Could not backup snapshot because the primary Storage SR could not be created from the name label: " + primaryStorageNameLabel);
            String psUuid = primaryStorageSR.getUuid(conn);
            Boolean isISCSI = IsISCSI(primaryStorageSR.getType(conn));
            URI uri = new URI(secondaryStorageUrl);
            String secondaryStorageMountPath = uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath();
            VDI snapshotVdi = getVDIbyUuid(conn, snapshotUuid);
            String snapshotPaUuid = null;
            if ( prevBackupUuid != null ) {
                try {
                    snapshotPaUuid = getVhdParent(conn, psUuid, snapshotUuid, isISCSI);
                    if( snapshotPaUuid != null ) {
                        String snashotPaPaPaUuid = getVhdParent(conn, psUuid, snapshotPaUuid, isISCSI);
                        String prevSnashotPaUuid = getVhdParent(conn, psUuid, prevSnapshotUuid, isISCSI);
                        if (snashotPaPaPaUuid != null && prevSnashotPaUuid!= null && prevSnashotPaUuid.equals(snashotPaPaPaUuid)) {
                            fullbackup = false;
                } catch (Exception e) {

            if (fullbackup) {
                // the first snapshot is always a full snapshot
                String folder = "snapshots/" + accountId + "/" + volumeId;
                if( !createSecondaryStorageFolder(conn, secondaryStorageMountPath, folder)) {
                    details = " Filed to create folder " + folder + " in secondary storage";
                    return new BackupSnapshotAnswer(cmd, false, details, null, false);
                String snapshotMountpoint = secondaryStorageUrl + "/" + folder;
                SR snapshotSr = null;
                try {
                    snapshotSr = createNfsSRbyURI(conn, new URI(snapshotMountpoint), false);
                    VDI backedVdi = cloudVDIcopy(conn, snapshotVdi, snapshotSr, wait);
                    snapshotBackupUuid = backedVdi.getUuid(conn);
                    if( cmd.getSwift() != null ) {
                        try {
                            swiftBackupSnapshot(conn, cmd.getSwift(), snapshotSr.getUuid(conn), snapshotBackupUuid, "S-" + volumeId.toString(), false, wait);
                            snapshotBackupUuid = snapshotBackupUuid + ".vhd";
                        } finally {
                            deleteSnapshotBackup(conn, dcId, accountId, volumeId, secondaryStorageMountPath, snapshotBackupUuid);
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        int wait = cmd.getWait();
        boolean result = false;
        // Generic error message.
        String details = null;
        String volumeUUID = null;
        SR snapshotSR = null;

        if (secondaryStorageUrl == null) {
            details += " because the URL passed: " + secondaryStorageUrl + " is invalid.";
            return new CreateVolumeFromSnapshotAnswer(cmd, result, details, volumeUUID);
        try {
            SR primaryStorageSR = getSRByNameLabelandHost(conn, primaryStorageNameLabel);
            if (primaryStorageSR == null) {
                throw new InternalErrorException("Could not create volume from snapshot because the primary Storage SR could not be created from the name label: "
                        + primaryStorageNameLabel);
            // Get the absolute path of the snapshot on the secondary storage.
            URI snapshotURI = new URI(secondaryStorageUrl + "/snapshots/" + accountId + "/" + volumeId);
            String filename = backedUpSnapshotUuid;
            if ( !filename.startsWith("VHD-") && !filename.endsWith(".vhd")) {
                filename = backedUpSnapshotUuid + ".vhd";
            String snapshotPath = snapshotURI.getHost() + ":" + snapshotURI.getPath() + "/" + filename;
            String srUuid = primaryStorageSR.getUuid(conn);
            volumeUUID = copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage(conn, snapshotPath, srUuid, wait);
            result = true;
        } catch (XenAPIException e) {
            details += " due to " + e.toString();
            s_logger.warn(details, e);
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        // Return the first VM in the set
        return vms.iterator().next();

    protected VDI getIsoVDIByURL(Connection conn, String vmName, String isoURL) {
        SR isoSR = null;
        String mountpoint = null;
        if (isoURL.startsWith("xs-tools")) {
            try {
                Set<VDI> vdis = VDI.getByNameLabel(conn, isoURL);
                if (vdis.isEmpty()) {
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        if (srs.size() > 1) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("More than one storage repository was found for pool with uuid: " + pool.getUuid());
        } else if (srs.size() == 1) {
            SR sr = srs.iterator().next();
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("SR retrieved for " + pool.getId());

            if (checkSR(conn, sr)) {
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        Set<VBD> vbds = vm.getVBDs(conn);
        for ( VBD vbd : vbds ) {
            VBD.Record vbdr = vbd.getRecord(conn);
            if ( vbdr.type == Types.VbdType.CD && vbdr.empty == false ) {
                VDI vdi = vbdr.VDI;
                SR sr = vdi.getSR(conn);
                Set<PBD> pbds = sr.getPBDs(conn);
                if( pbds == null ) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("There is no pbd for sr " + sr);
                for ( PBD pbd : pbds ) {
                    PBD.Record pbdr = pbd.getRecord(conn);
                    if ( {
                sr.setShared(conn, true);
                Host host = Host.getByUuid(conn, _host.uuid);
                PBD.Record pbdr = pbds.iterator().next().getRecord(conn);
       = host;
                pbdr.uuid = "";
                PBD pbd = PBD.create(conn, pbdr);
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            try {
                uri = new URI(mountpoint);
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Incorrect uri " + mountpoint, e);
            SR isoSr = createIsoSRbyURI(conn, uri, vmName, false);

            String isoname = isopath.substring(index + 1);

            VDI isoVdi = getVDIbyLocationandSR(conn, isoname, isoSr);
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        if_host.systemvmisouuid == null ) {
            Set<SR> srs = SR.getByNameLabel(conn, "XenServer Tools");
            if( srs.size() != 1 ) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("There are " + srs.size() + " SRs with name XenServer Tools");
            SR sr = srs.iterator().next();

            SR.Record srr = sr.getRecord(conn);

            if_host.systemvmisouuid == null ) {
                for( VDI vdi : srr.VDIs ) {
                    VDI.Record vdir = vdi.getRecord(conn);
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        int wait = cmd.getWait();
        try {
            URI uri = new URI(tmplturl);
            String tmplpath = uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath();
            Connection conn = getConnection();
            SR poolsr = null;
            Set<SR> srs = SR.getByNameLabel(conn, poolName);
            if (srs.size() != 1) {
                String msg = "There are " + srs.size() + " SRs with same name: " + poolName;
                return new PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer(msg);
            } else {
                poolsr = srs.iterator().next();
            String pUuid = poolsr.getUuid(conn);
            boolean isISCSI = IsISCSI(poolsr.getType(conn));
            String uuid = copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage(conn, tmplpath, pUuid, wait);
            VDI tmpl = getVDIbyUuid(conn, uuid);
            VDI snapshotvdi = tmpl.snapshot(conn, new HashMap<String, String>());
            String snapshotUuid = snapshotvdi.getUuid(conn);
            snapshotvdi.setNameLabel(conn, "Template " + cmd.getName());
            String parentuuid = getVhdParent(conn, pUuid, snapshotUuid, isISCSI);
            VDI parent = getVDIbyUuid(conn, parentuuid);
            Long phySize = parent.getPhysicalUtilisation(conn);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return new PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer(snapshotvdi.getUuid(conn), phySize);
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                            for( VDI vdi : vdis ){
                                umount(conn, vdi);
                            state = State.Stopped;
                            SR sr = getISOSRbyVmName(conn, cmd.getVmName());
                            removeSR(conn, sr);
                            // Disable any VLAN networks that aren't used
                            // anymore
                            for (Network network : networks) {
                                try {
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Related Classes of com.xensource.xenapi.SR

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