* This method creates a XenServer network and configures it for being used as a L2-in-L3 tunneled network
private synchronized Network configureTunnelNetwork(Connection conn, long networkId, long hostId, int key) {
try {
Network nw = findOrCreateTunnelNetwork(conn, key);
String nwName = "OVSTunnel" + key;
//Invoke plugin to setup the bridge which will be used by this network
String bridge = nw.getBridge(conn);
Map<String,String> nwOtherConfig = nw.getOtherConfig(conn);
String configuredHosts = nwOtherConfig.get("ovs-host-setup");
boolean configured = false;
if (configuredHosts!=null) {
String hostIdsStr[] = configuredHosts.split(",");
for (String hostIdStr:hostIdsStr) {
if (hostIdStr.equals(((Long)hostId).toString())) {
configured = true;
if (!configured) {
// Plug dom0 vif only if not done before for network and host
enableXenServerNetwork(conn, nw, nwName, "tunnel network for account " + key);
String result = callHostPlugin(conn, "ovstunnel", "setup_ovs_bridge", "bridge", bridge,
"key", String.valueOf(key),
"xs_nw_uuid", nw.getUuid(conn),
"cs_host_id", ((Long)hostId).toString());
//Note down the fact that the ovs bridge has been setup
String[] res = result.split(":");
if (res.length != 2 || !res[0].equalsIgnoreCase("SUCCESS")) {
//TODO: Should make this error not fatal?