Package com.webobjects.monitor._private

Examples of com.webobjects.monitor._private.String_Extensions

        return _emptyString;

    public String cachingDiff() {
        MInstance myInstance = myInstance();
        MApplication myApplication = myInstance.application();
        if (!safeEquals(myInstance.cachingEnabled(), myApplication.cachingEnabled())) {
            return _diffString;
        return _emptyString;
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        return _emptyString;

    public String outputDiff() {
        MInstance myInstance = myInstance();
        MApplication myApplication = myInstance.application();
        MHost myHost =;
        String appOutputPath = null;

        if (myHost.osType().equals("UNIX")) {
            appOutputPath = myInstance.generateOutputPath(myApplication.unixOutputPath());
        } else if (myHost.osType().equals("WINDOWS")) {
            appOutputPath = myInstance.generateOutputPath(myApplication.winOutputPath());
        } else if (myHost.osType().equals("MACOSX")) {
            appOutputPath = myInstance.generateOutputPath(myApplication.macOutputPath());

        if (!safeEquals(myInstance.outputPath(), appOutputPath)) {
            return _diffString;
        return _emptyString;
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        return _emptyString;

    public String browserDiff() {
        MInstance myInstance = myInstance();
        MApplication myApplication = myInstance.application();
        if (!safeEquals(myInstance.autoOpenInBrowser(), myApplication.autoOpenInBrowser())) {
            return _diffString;
        return _emptyString;
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        return _emptyString;

    public String debugDiff() {
        MInstance myInstance = myInstance();
        MApplication myApplication = myInstance.application();
        if (!safeEquals(myInstance.debuggingEnabled(), myApplication.debuggingEnabled())) {
            return _diffString;
        return _emptyString;
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        return _emptyString;

    public String lifebeatDiff() {
        MInstance myInstance = myInstance();
        MApplication myApplication = myInstance.application();
        if (!safeEquals(myInstance.lifebeatInterval(), myApplication.lifebeatInterval())) {
            return _diffString;
        return _emptyString;
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        return _emptyString;

    public String argsDiff() {
        MInstance myInstance = myInstance();
        MApplication myApplication = myInstance.application();
        if (!safeEquals(myInstance.additionalArgs(), myApplication.additionalArgs())) {
            return _diffString;
        return _emptyString;
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                            // update-remove - for each instance listed - instanceWithHostnameAndPort + removeInstance_W
                            for (Enumeration e = instanceArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary anInst = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                String hostName = (String) anInst.valueForKey("hostName");
                                Integer port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("port");
                                MInstance anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                                if (anMInstance == null) {
                                    element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, _hostName + ": Instance " +hostName+"-"+port+ " not found; REMOVE failed"}, errorKeys);
                                } else {
                            removeResponse.takeValueForKey(instanceArrayResponse, "instanceArray");
                        updateWotaskdResponse.takeValueForKey(removeResponse, "remove");

                    if (addDict != null) {
                        NSMutableDictionary addResponse = new NSMutableDictionary(1);

                        NSArray hostArray = (NSArray) addDict.valueForKey("hostArray");
                        NSArray applicationArray = (NSArray) addDict.valueForKey("applicationArray");
                        NSArray instanceArray = (NSArray) addDict.valueForKey("instanceArray");

                        if (hostArray != null) {
                            NSMutableArray hostArrayResponse = new NSMutableArray(hostArray.count());

                            // update-add - for each host listed - addHost_W
                            for (Enumeration e = hostArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary aHost = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                aConfig.addHost_W(new MHost(aHost, aConfig));
                            addResponse.takeValueForKey(hostArrayResponse, "hostArray");
                        if (applicationArray != null) {
                            NSMutableArray applicationArrayResponse = new NSMutableArray(applicationArray.count());

                            // update-add - for each application listed - addApplication_W
                            for (Enumeration e = applicationArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary anApp = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                aConfig.addApplication_W(new MApplication(anApp, aConfig));
                            addResponse.takeValueForKey(applicationArrayResponse, "applicationArray");
                        if (instanceArray != null) {
                            NSMutableArray instanceArrayResponse = new NSMutableArray(instanceArray.count());

                            //  update-add - for each instance listed - addInstance_W
                            for (Enumeration e = instanceArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary anInst = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                aConfig.addInstance_W(new MInstance(anInst, aConfig));
                            addResponse.takeValueForKey(instanceArrayResponse, "instanceArray");
                        updateWotaskdResponse.takeValueForKey(addResponse, "add");

                    if (configureDict != null) {
                        NSMutableDictionary configureResponse = new NSMutableDictionary(2);

                        NSDictionary siteDict = (NSDictionary) configureDict.valueForKey("site");
                        NSArray hostArray = (NSArray) configureDict.valueForKey("hostArray");
                        NSArray applicationArray = (NSArray) configureDict.valueForKey("applicationArray");
                        NSArray instanceArray = (NSArray) configureDict.valueForKey("instanceArray");

                        if (siteDict != null) {
                            // update-configure - siteConfig.updateValues
                            configureResponse.takeValueForKey(successElement, "site");
                        if (hostArray != null) {
                            NSMutableArray hostArrayResponse = new NSMutableArray(hostArray.count());

                            // update-configure - for each host listed - hostWithName + updateValues
                            for (Enumeration e = hostArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary aHost = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                String name = (String) aHost.valueForKey("name");
                                MHost anMHost = aConfig.hostWithName(name);
                                if (anMHost == null) {
                                    element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, _hostName + ": Host " +name+ " not found; UPDATE failed"}, errorKeys);
                                } else {
                            configureResponse.takeValueForKey(hostArrayResponse, "hostArray");
                        if (applicationArray != null) {
                            NSMutableArray applicationArrayResponse = new NSMutableArray(applicationArray.count());

                            // update-configure - for each application listed - applicationWithName + updateValues
                            for (Enumeration e = applicationArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary anApp = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                String name = (String) anApp.valueForKey("name");
                                MApplication anMApplication = aConfig.applicationWithName(name);
                                // if I can't find the application, I might be updating the name - in that case, look under the oldname.
                                if (anMApplication == null) {
                                    name = (String) anApp.valueForKey("oldname");
                                    anMApplication = aConfig.applicationWithName(name);

                                if (anMApplication == null) {
                                    element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, _hostName + ": Application " +name+ " not found; UPDATE failed"}, errorKeys);
                                } else {
                            configureResponse.takeValueForKey(applicationArrayResponse, "applicationArray");
                        if (instanceArray != null) {
                            NSMutableArray instanceArrayResponse = new NSMutableArray(instanceArray.count());

                            // update-configure - for each instance listed - instanceWithHostnameAndPort + updateValues
                            for (Enumeration e = instanceArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary anInst = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                String hostName = (String) anInst.valueForKey("hostName");
                                Integer port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("port");
                                MInstance anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                                // if I can't find the instance, I might be updating the port - in that case, look under the oldport number.
                                if (anMInstance == null) {
                                    port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("oldport");
                                    anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                                if (anMInstance == null) {
                                    element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, _hostName + ": Instance " +hostName+"-"+port+ " not found; UPDATE failed"}, errorKeys);
                                } else {
                            configureResponse.takeValueForKey(instanceArrayResponse, "instanceArray");
                        updateWotaskdResponse.takeValueForKey(configureResponse, "configure");
                monitorResponse.takeValueForKey(updateWotaskdResponse, "updateWotaskdResponse");
            } finally {

        // Checking for Commands
        if (commandWotaskdArray != null) {
            int instArrayCount = commandWotaskdArray.count();
            NSMutableArray commandWotaskdResponse = new NSMutableArray(instArrayCount);

            if (instArrayCount < 2) {
            } else {
                String command = (String) commandWotaskdArray.objectAtIndex(0);

                if ( (command.equals("START")) || (command.equals("CLEAR")) ||
                     (command.equals("STOP"))  || (command.equals("REFUSE")) ||
                     (command.equals("ACCEPT"))|| (command.equals("QUIT")) ) {
                } else {
                    element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, _hostName + " - INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid Command " + command}, errorKeys);

                // Go through each instance and do whatever it is that we do
                for (int i=1; i<instArrayCount; i++) {
                    NSDictionary instDict = (NSDictionary) commandWotaskdArray.objectAtIndex(i);
                    String hostName = (String) instDict.valueForKey("hostName");
                    Integer port = (Integer) instDict.valueForKey("port");
                    try {
                        MInstance anInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                        if (anInstance != null) {
                            if (anInstance.isLocal_W()) {
                                if (command.equals("START")) {
                                    String errorMsg = theApplication.localMonitor().startInstance(anInstance);
                                    if (errorMsg != null) {
                                        element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, errorMsg}, errorKeys);
                                } else if (command.equals("CLEAR")) {
                                } else {
                                    try {
                                        if (command.equals("STOP")) {
                                          //we need to expect a response here
                                            if (theApplication.localMonitor().terminateInstance(anInstance) == null)
                                              throw new MonitorException("No response to STOP " + anInstance.displayName());
                                        } else if (command.equals("REFUSE")) {
                                          //we need to expect a response here
                                            if (theApplication.localMonitor().stopInstance(anInstance) == null)
                                              throw new MonitorException("No response to REFUSE " + anInstance.displayName());
                                        } else if (command.equals("ACCEPT")) {
                                            if (theApplication.localMonitor().setAcceptInstance(anInstance) == null)
                                              throw new MonitorException("No response to ACCEPT " + anInstance.displayName());
                                            //we got a response, cancel any force quit task
                                        } else if (command.equals("QUIT")) {
                                    } catch (MonitorException me) {
                                        element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, me.getMessage()}, errorKeys);
                            } else {
                                //element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, anInstance.displayName() + " does not exist on " + _hostName + "; " + command + " failed"}, errorKeys);
                        } else {
                            element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, _hostName + ": No instance found for Host " + hostName + " and Port: " + port + "; " + command + " failed"}, errorKeys);
                    } finally {
            monitorResponse.takeValueForKey(commandWotaskdResponse, "commandWotaskdResponse");

        // Checking for a Query
        if (queryWotaskdString != null) {
            NSMutableDictionary queryWotaskdResponse = new NSMutableDictionary(1);

            if (queryWotaskdString.equals("SITE")) {
                try {
                    queryWotaskdResponse.takeValueForKey(aConfig.dictionaryForArchive(), "SiteConfig");
                } finally {
            } else if (queryWotaskdString.equals("HOST")) {
                // query - host.runningInstancesCount_W
                if (hostResponse == null) {
                    Integer runningInstances = Integer.valueOf(0);
                    String processorType = System.getProperties().getProperty("os.arch");
                    String operatingSystem = System.getProperties().getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperties().getProperty("os.version");

                    hostResponse = new NSMutableDictionary(new Object[]{runningInstances, processorType, operatingSystem}, hostQueryKeys);
                try {
                    if (aConfig.localHost() != null) {
                        hostResponse.takeValueForKey(aConfig.localHost().runningInstancesCount_W(), "runningInstances");
                    } else {
                        hostResponse.takeValueForKey(_NSUtilities.IntegerForInt(0), "runningInstances");
                } finally {
                queryWotaskdResponse.takeValueForKey(hostResponse, "hostResponse");
            } else if (queryWotaskdString.equals("APPLICATION")) {
                NSMutableArray applicationResponse = null;
                try {
                    NSArray appArray = aConfig.applicationArray();
                    int appArrayCount = appArray.count();
                    MApplication anApp;
                    String name;
                    Integer runningInstances;
                    NSDictionary elementApp;

                    applicationResponse = new NSMutableArray(appArrayCount);

                    // query - for each application - runningInstancesCount_W();
                    for (int i=0; i<appArrayCount; i++) {
                        anApp = (MApplication) appArray.objectAtIndex(i);
                        name =;
                        runningInstances = anApp.runningInstancesCount_W();
                        elementApp = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{name, runningInstances}, appQueryKeys);
                } finally {

                queryWotaskdResponse.takeValueForKey(applicationResponse, "applicationResponse");
            } else if (queryWotaskdString.equals("INSTANCE")) {
                NSMutableArray instanceResponse = null;
                try {
                    NSArray instanceArray = (aConfig.localHost() != null) ? aConfig.localHost().instanceArray() : NSArray.EmptyArray;
                    int instanceArrayCount = instanceArray.count();

                    MInstance anInstance;
                    String applicationName;
                    Integer id;
                    String host;
                    Integer port;
                    String runningState;
                    Boolean refusingNewSessions;
                    NSDictionary statistics;
                    NSArray deaths;
                    String nextShutdown;
                    NSDictionary elementInst;

                    instanceResponse = new NSMutableArray(instanceArrayCount);

                    NSMutableArray runningInstanceArray = new NSMutableArray();
                    for (Enumeration e = instanceArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                        MInstance anInst = (MInstance) e.nextElement();
                        if (anInst.isRunning_W()) {
                    getStatisticsForInstanceArray(runningInstanceArray, errorResponse);
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            Runnable work = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        responses[j] = localMonitor.queryInstance((MInstance) instanceArray.objectAtIndex(j));
                    } catch (MonitorException me) {
                        MInstance badInstance = ((MInstance) instanceArray.objectAtIndex(j));
                        if ( (!badInstance.isRunning_W()) &&
                             (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelCritical, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) ) {
                            NSLog.debug.appendln("Exception getting Statistics for instance: " + ((MInstance) instanceArray.objectAtIndex(j)).displayName());
                        //if we get an exception and the instance state is running, that could mean the app may have been too
                        //busy to respond of may have locked up in either case, we need to notify
                      //java monitor which instance its having problems with
                        if (badInstance.isRunning_W())
                        responses[j] null;
            workers[j] = new Thread(work);

        try {
            for (int i=0; i<theCount; i++) {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}

        for (int i=0; i<theCount; i++) {
            WOResponse aResponse = responses[i];
            MInstance anInstance = (MInstance) instArray.objectAtIndex(i);
            if (aResponse != null) {
                anInstance.updateRegistration(new NSTimestamp());
                if (aResponse.headerForKey("x-webobjects-refusenewsessions") != null) {
                } else {

                NSDictionary instanceResponse = null;
                NSData responseContent = aResponse.content();
                try {
                    instanceResponse = (NSDictionary) new _JavaMonitorDecoder().decodeRootObject(responseContent);
                } catch (WOXMLException wxe) {
                    try {
                        Object o = NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListFromString(new String(responseContent.bytes()));
                        errorResponse.addObject(anInstance.displayName() + " is probably an older application that doesn't conform to the current Monitor Protocol. Please update and restart the instance.");
                        NSLog.err.appendln("Got old-style response from instance: " + anInstance.displayName());
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        NSLog.err.appendln("Wotaskd getStatisticsForInstanceArray: Error parsing: " + new String(responseContent.bytes()) + " from " + anInstance.displayName());
                } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                    NSLog.err.appendln("Wotaskd getStatisticsForInstanceArray: No content returned from " + anInstance.displayName());

                NSArray queryInstanceError = (NSArray) instanceResponse.valueForKey("errorResponse");
                if (queryInstanceError != null) {
                    anInstance.setStatisticsError(queryInstanceError.componentsJoinedByString(", "));

                String queryInstanceResponse = (String) instanceResponse.valueForKey("queryInstanceResponse");
                if (queryInstanceResponse == null) continue;

                try {
                    NSDictionary statistics = (NSDictionary) NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListFromString(queryInstanceResponse);

                    NSMutableDictionary newStats = new NSMutableDictionary(5);

                    newStats.takeValueForKey(statistics.valueForKey("StartedAt"), "startedAt");

                    NSDictionary tempDict = (NSDictionary) statistics.valueForKey("Transactions");
                    newStats.takeValueForKey(tempDict.valueForKey("Transactions"), "transactions");
                    newStats.takeValueForKey(tempDict.valueForKey("Avg. Transaction Time"), "avgTransactionTime");
                    newStats.takeValueForKey(tempDict.valueForKey("Avg. Idle Time"), "averageIdlePeriod");

                    tempDict = (NSDictionary) statistics.valueForKey("Sessions");
                    newStats.takeValueForKey(tempDict.valueForKey("Current Active Sessions"), "activeSessions");

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Do nothing - assume we died trying to parse the plist
                    NSLog.err.appendln("Wotaskd getStatisticsForInstanceArray: Error parsing PList: " + queryInstanceResponse + " from " + anInstance.displayName());
            else if (anInstance.isRunning_M()) {
              //display a hint that this instance is running but did not respond to a query statistics request
              anInstance.setStatisticsError("No statistics for " + anInstance.displayName());
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        if (instanceArray != null) {
            for (Enumeration e = instanceArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                NSDictionary anInst = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                String hostName = (String) anInst.valueForKey("hostName");
                Integer port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("port");
                MInstance anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                // if I can't find the instance, I might be updating the port - in that case, look under the oldport number.
                if (anMInstance == null) {
                    port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("oldport");
                    anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                if (anMInstance == null) {
                    // we have to add it
                    aConfig.addInstance_W(new MInstance(anInst, aConfig));
                } else {
                    // configure and remove from currentHosts
        // remove all hosts remaining in currentHosts
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    NSArray<MInstance> objects = ERXQ.filtered(siteConfig().instanceArray(),"applicationName", ((MInstance)obj).applicationName()).and("id", ((MInstance)obj).id())));
    return objects.size() == 0 ? null : objects.objectAtIndex(0);

  public Object createObjectOfEntityWithID(EOClassDescription entity, Object id, ERXRestContext context) {
    return new MInstance(((MInstance)id).dictionaryForArchive(), siteConfig());
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Related Classes of com.webobjects.monitor._private.String_Extensions

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