* Test obvious invalid arguments.
public void testObjectCountForToManyRelationship_BadArgumentsFailure() {
// Setup
EOGlobalID cGid = ERXTestUtilities.createCompanyAnd3Employees();
EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext();
try {
// Test using null eo
Integer count;
try {
// Company is null
count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(null, Employee.COMPANY_KEY);
} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
assertEquals("object argument cannot be null", exception.getMessage());
// Test using a key that is not a toMany on a new object
Employee e = (Employee) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, Employee.ENTITY_NAME);
try {
// key is null
count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, null);
} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
assertEquals("relationshipName argument cannot be null", exception.getMessage());
try {
// Company is null
count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, Employee.COMPANY_KEY);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
"The attribute named 'company' in the entity named 'Employee' is not a toMany relationship! Expected an NSArray, but got null.",
Company c = (Company) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, Company.ENTITY_NAME);
try {
// Company is not null
count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, Employee.COMPANY_KEY);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
"The attribute named 'company' in the entity named 'Employee' is not a toMany relationship! Expected an NSArray, but got a er.erxtest.model.Company",
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test using a key that is not a toMany on an existing object
c = (Company) ec.faultForGlobalID(cGid, ec);
try {
// address1 attribute is null
count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.ADDRESS1_KEY);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
"The attribute named 'address1' in the entity named 'Company' is not a toMany relationship! Expected an NSArray, but got null.",
e = c.employees().objectAtIndex(0);
EOGlobalID eGid = ec.globalIDForObject(e);
try {
// Company is not null
count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, Employee.COMPANY_KEY);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {