NodeList rowElements = document.getElementsByTagName(singularName(entity));
for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < rowElements.getLength(); rowNum++) {
NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> row = new NSMutableDictionary<String, Object>();
Element rowElement = (Element) rowElements.item(rowNum);
for (int attributeNum = 0; attributeNum < attributesToFetch.count(); attributeNum++) {
EOAttribute attribute = (EOAttribute) attributesToFetch.objectAtIndex(attributeNum);
String columnName = attribute.columnName();
NodeList attributeElements = rowElement.getElementsByTagName(columnName);
Object value;
if (attributeElements.getLength() == 0) {
if (rowElement.hasAttribute(columnName)) {
Attr columnAttribute = rowElement.getAttributeNode(columnName);
value = convertValue(columnAttribute.getValue(), attribute);
else {
value = null;
else if (attributeElements.getLength() > 1) {
throw new EOGeneralAdaptorException("There was more than one column named '" + columnName + "'.");
else {
Element attributeElement = (Element) attributeElements.item(0);
if ("true".equals(attributeElement.getAttribute("nil"))) {
value = null;
else {
String strValue = textValue(attributeElement);
if (attributeElement.hasAttribute("type")) {
String type = attributeElement.getAttribute("type");
if ("bigit".equals(type)) {
value = new BigDecimal(strValue);
else if ("boolean".equals(type)) {
value = Boolean.parseBoolean(strValue);
else if ("datetime".equals(type)) {
value = ERRESTAdaptorChannel.restDateFormat.parseObject(strValue);
else if ("double".equals(type)) {
value = Double.parseDouble(strValue);
else if ("float".equals(type)) {
value = Float.parseFloat(strValue);
else if ("integer".equals(type)) {
value = Integer.parseInt(strValue);
else if ("short".equals(type)) {
value = Short.parseShort(strValue);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type '" + type + "'.");
else {
value = convertValue(strValue, attribute);
if (value != null) {
// Just in case you qualified against attributes that ended up not
// being returned in the results, we augment the resulting row
// with the key-value pairs from your qualifier.
if (attributesFromQualifier.count() > 0) {
for (String qualifierAttributeName : attributesFromQualifier.allKeys()) {
if (!row.containsKey(qualifierAttributeName)) {
EOAttribute qualifierAttribute = entity.attributeNamed(qualifierAttributeName);
if (qualifierAttribute != null && attributesToFetch.containsObject(qualifierAttribute)) {
row.setObjectForKey(attributesFromQualifier.objectForKey(qualifierAttributeName), qualifierAttributeName);