boolean _shouldFormat;
public ERXWOString(String s, NSDictionary nsdictionary, WOElement woelement) {
super(null, null, null);
_value = (WOAssociation) nsdictionary.objectForKey("value");
if (_value == null) { throw new WODynamicElementCreationException("<" + getClass().getName()
+ "> ( no 'value' attribute specified."); }
_valueWhenEmpty = (WOAssociation) nsdictionary.objectForKey("valueWhenEmpty");
_escapeHTML = (WOAssociation) nsdictionary.objectForKey("escapeHTML");
_dateFormat = (WOAssociation) nsdictionary.objectForKey("dateformat");
_numberFormat = (WOAssociation) nsdictionary.objectForKey("numberformat");
_formatter = (WOAssociation) nsdictionary.objectForKey("formatter");
if (_dateFormat != null || _numberFormat != null || _formatter != null)
_shouldFormat = true;
_shouldFormat = false;
if ((_dateFormat != null && _numberFormat != null) || (_formatter != null && _dateFormat != null)
|| (_formatter != null && _numberFormat != null)) { throw new WODynamicElementCreationException("<" + getClass().getName()
+ "> ( cannot have 'dateFormat' and 'numberFormat' or 'formatter' attributes at the same time."); }