An XMLProcess is a component that accepts SAX events as an input, performing some operation or process on this input in order to generate SAX events as an output. XMLProcess are linked together to create an XML XMLPipeline.
Users should not implement this interface directly, rather they should use the {@link XMLProcessImpl} as it is likely that additional methodswill be added to this interface in future as required. e.g. it may be necessary in future to extends some of the other SAX events interfaces such as {@link org.xml.sax.EntityResolver} and possibly even some of the optionalones such as {@link org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler} and{@link org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler}.
Processes must not rely on the qName attribute of the {@link ContentHandler#startElement} and {@link ContentHandler#endElement}being available. The pipeline requires namespace support and so the namespaceURI and localName attributes are always set but the qName may not be.
Unsupported Methods
The following methods from {@link ContentHandler} are not used within thepipeline. It is a fatal error if any of them methods are invoked.
- {@link #setDocumentLocator}
- {@link #startDocument}
- {@link #endDocument}
- {@link #skippedEntity}
In addition processes must not rely on receiving the following events as they may eventually join the above list of unsupported methods.
- {@link ContentHandler#startPrefixMapping}
- {@link ContentHandler#endPrefixMapping}
Contextual Information
@volantis-api-include-in PublicAPI
@volantis-api-include-in ProfessionalServicesAPI
@volantis-api-include-in InternalAPI