// The iterator that is returned.
EndElementAction action;
// Evaluate the in expression to a sequence.
String inExpression = attributes.getValue("in");
final Sequence sequence = evaluateExpression(expressionContext, inExpression);
int length = sequence.getLength();
if (length == 0) {
// The sequence is empty so there is nothing to do so just skip
// the body and do not create an iterator.
action = EndElementAction.DO_NOTHING;
} else {
// Resolve the variable name into an ExpandedName, if the variable
// name does not have a prefix then it belongs in no namespace,
// rather than the default namespace.
String variableName = attributes.getValue("variable");
QName variableQName = new ImmutableQName(variableName);
final ExpandedName variableExpandedName =
.resolveQName(variableQName, null);
// If the sequence only has a single value in then it is not
// necessary to store the body away to be evaluated multiple times.
if (length == 1) {
// Create a new block scope to contain the variable.
// Create a variable in the current stack frame.
try {
} catch (SequenceIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new ExtendedSAXException(e);
// Remember to pop the block scope off after the content has