* Test the method characters.
public void testIgnorableWhitespace() throws Exception {
final BooleanWrapper calledMethod = new BooleanWrapper(false);
final char[] charParam = new char[]{' ', ' ', ' '};
final int startParam = 39;
final int lenParam = 17;
AbstractMarlinContentHandler defaultHandler = new TestHandler() {
// Javadoc inherited from ContentHandler interface
public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] chars, int i, int i1)
throws SAXException {
assertEquals("Unexpected param value.", charParam, chars);
assertEquals("Unexpected param value.", startParam, i);
assertEquals("Unexpected param value.", lenParam, i1);
NamespaceSwitchContentHandler handler =
new NamespaceSwitchContentHandler(defaultHandler);
handler.ignorableWhitespace(charParam, startParam, lenParam);
assertTrue("Expected method to be invoked.", calledMethod.getValue());