Package com.volantis.mcs.eclipse.common.odom

Examples of com.volantis.mcs.eclipse.common.odom.ODOMElement$ListenersCommand

        // see if the element has a standard element. If no standard
        // element exists then we don't have anything to restore.
        Element standardElement = findStandardElement(element);
        if (standardElement != null) {
            synchronized (parent) {
                ODOMElement restoreElement = null;
                // remove the listeners
                // find the index of the managed element in the parents content
                // list
                int elementIndex = parent.getContent().indexOf(element);

                // get the content of the standard element. If it has not content
                // then the element originally did not exist.
                List standardChildren = standardElement.getChildren();
                if (!standardChildren.isEmpty()) {
                    // need to check that there is only one child
                    if (standardChildren.size() > 1) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                "The standard element has more than one child");
                    // get the element that will be restored
                    restoreElement =
                            (ODOMElement) standardChildren.get(0);

                    // Move all listeners from the current element to the
                    // restored element.

                    // we need to detach this from the standard element
                    // updated the parent so that the restored element is
                    // restored to the correct index
                    parent.getContent().add(elementIndex, restoreElement);
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     * element will not have any content
     * @return a "standard" ODOMElement
    private ODOMElement createStandardElement(DeviceODOMElement content) {
        // create the standard element
        ODOMElement standard = (ODOMElement) JDOM_FACTORY.element(
        if (content != null) {
            // Ensure that the element within the standard element does
            // not itself have a StandardElementHandler in order to avoid
            // recursive change handling. The standard handler will be set
            // on the contained element if it is restored (see restore()).
        return standard;
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     * is no standard element
     * @param root the root element. Can be null.
     * @return the standard element or null if one does not exist.
    private ODOMElement findStandardElement(ODOMElement root) {
        ODOMElement standardElement = null;
        if (root != null) {
            List standardElements = root.getChildren(
            int count = standardElements.size();
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            String gridName = grandParent.getName();
            String rowName = LayoutSchemaType.getGridRowName(gridName);

            // Create and add the new rows to the grid.
            for (int newRow = 0; newRow < numNewRows; newRow++) {
                ODOMElement newRowElement = (ODOMElement)
                // Fill each row with an empty format.
                for (int col = 0; col < colCount; col++) {
                    Element empty = FormatPrototype.get(FormatType.EMPTY);
                // Add the new row at the correct position.
                content.add(rowPos + newRow, newRowElement);
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    public void override(DeviceODOMElement policy) {
        if(standardElementHandler!=null) {
            // Get the standard element - there should always be one here
            ODOMElement standardElement =
                    (ODOMElement) this.getChild(

            DeviceODOMElement parent = (DeviceODOMElement) getParent();

            // Detach the current policy element

            // Detach the standard element and add it to the end of
            // the new policy.

            // Move the listeners from the current policy to the new.

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     * Test creation of a multi-step path where none of the path element steps
     * exist and where all but the last element step exists.
    public void testCreateElementMultiStep() throws Exception {
        ODOMElement context = (ODOMElement) factory.element("root");
        ODOMXPath path = new ODOMXPath("a/b");

        // Test creation of whole path from empty context
        ODOMObservable newNode = path.create(context, factory);

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     * Test creation of a multi-step path where none of the path element steps
     * exist and where all the element steps exist.
    public void testCreateAttributeMultiStep() throws Exception {
        ODOMElement context = (ODOMElement) factory.element("root");
        ODOMXPath path = new ODOMXPath("a/@b");

        // Test creation of whole path from empty context
        ODOMObservable newNode = path.create(context, factory);

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     * Test creation of a multi-step path where none of the path element steps
     * exist and where all the element steps exist.
    public void testCreateTextMultiStep() throws Exception {
        ODOMElement context = (ODOMElement) factory.element("root");
        ODOMXPath path = new ODOMXPath("a/b/text()");

        // Test creation of whole path from empty context
        ODOMObservable newNode = path.create(context, factory);

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        // This will demonstrate invalid application of an absolute path
        // (the context is not appropriate to the absolute path because its
        // name doesn't match the first step in the absolute path)
        try {
            ODOMElement cd = (ODOMElement) root.getChild("cd");
            path.create(cd, factory);

            fail("Should have received an XPathException");
        } catch (XPathException e) {
            // Expected condition
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        // should have returned a ODOMElement
        assertEquals("should have returned a ODOMElement",

        ODOMElement element = (ODOMElement) node;

        // check the name of the element
        assertEquals("element should be named 'newElement'",

        // check the namespaceURI of the element
        assertEquals("element bound to an unexpected namespace",
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Related Classes of com.volantis.mcs.eclipse.common.odom.ODOMElement$ListenersCommand

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