This sample is used to add a Virtual Nic To run this samples following parameters are used: vsiwtchid [required]: Name of the switch portgroupname [required]: Name of the port group ipaddress [required]: ipaddress for the nic host [optional]: Name of the host datacenter [optional]: Name of the datacenter Command Line:To add a Host VirtualNic to a PortGroup on a Virtual Switch as: - run.bat --url [webserviceurl] --username [username] --password [password] --vsiwtchid [mySwitch] --host [hostname] --datacenter [mydatacenter] --portgroupname [myportgroup] --ipaddress[AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA] Command Line:To add a Host VirtualNic to a PortGroup on a Virtual Switch as without specifying the host name@author sjin THis is a sample converted from VI SDK samples
run.bat --url [webserviceurl] --username [username] --password [password] --vsiwtchid [mySwitch] --datacenter [mydatacenter] --portgroupname [myportgroup] --ipaddress[AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA] Command Line:To add a Host VirtualNic to a PortGroup on a Virtual Switch as without specifying the datacenter name
run.bat --url [webserviceurl] --username [username] --password [password] --vsiwtchid [mySwitch] --portgroupname[myportgroup] --ipaddress[AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA]