String prevSnapshotUuid = cmd.getPrevSnapshotUuid();
String prevBackupUuid = cmd.getPrevBackupUuid();
VirtualMachineMO workerVm=null;
String workerVMName = null;
String volumePath = cmd.getVolumePath();
ManagedObjectReference morDs = null;
DatastoreMO dsMo=null;
// By default assume failure
String details = null;
boolean success = false;
String snapshotBackupUuid = null;
VmwareContext context = hostService.getServiceContext(cmd);
VirtualMachineMO vmMo = null;
try {
VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = hostService.getHyperHost(context, cmd);
morDs = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(hyperHost, cmd.getPool().getUuid());
try {
vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(cmd.getVmName());
if (vmMo == null) {
if(s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Unable to find owner VM for BackupSnapshotCommand on host " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName() + ", will try within datacenter");
vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(cmd.getVmName());
if(vmMo == null) {
dsMo = new DatastoreMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morDs);
workerVMName = hostService.getWorkerName(context, cmd, 0);
// attach a volume to dummay wrapper VM for taking snapshot and exporting the VM for backup
if (!hyperHost.createBlankVm(workerVMName, null, 1, 512, 0, false, 4, 0, VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier.OTHER_GUEST.value(), morDs, false)) {
String msg = "Unable to create worker VM to execute BackupSnapshotCommand";
throw new Exception(msg);
vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(workerVMName);
if (vmMo == null) {
throw new Exception("Failed to find the newly create or relocated VM. vmName: " + workerVMName);
workerVm = vmMo;
// attach volume to worker VM
String datastoreVolumePath = getVolumePathInDatastore(dsMo, volumePath + ".vmdk");
vmMo.attachDisk(new String[] { datastoreVolumePath }, morDs);
if (!vmMo.createSnapshot(snapshotUuid, "Snapshot taken for " + cmd.getSnapshotName(), false, false)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to take snapshot " + cmd.getSnapshotName() + " on vm: " + cmd.getVmName());
snapshotBackupUuid = backupSnapshotToSecondaryStorage(vmMo, accountId, volumeId, cmd.getVolumePath(), snapshotUuid, secondaryStorageUrl, prevSnapshotUuid, prevBackupUuid,
hostService.getWorkerName(context, cmd, 1));
success = (snapshotBackupUuid != null);
if (success) {
details = "Successfully backedUp the snapshotUuid: " + snapshotUuid + " to secondary storage.";
} finally {
if(vmMo != null){
ManagedObjectReference snapshotMor = vmMo.getSnapshotMor(snapshotUuid);
if (snapshotMor != null) {
vmMo.removeSnapshot(snapshotUuid, false);