int it = 0; // Index in the target sequence.
// create a target CS so that the dimensions not contemplated in the source CS
// are copied over (think Z or M with a 2d CRS)
int targetCSDim = targetDim + (sequence.getDimension() - sourceDim);
CoordinateSequence result = csFactory.create(sequence.size(), targetCSDim);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
switch (sourceDim) {
throw new MismatchedDimensionException();
case 3:
buffer[ib + 2] = sequence.getOrdinate(i, 2); // Fall through
case 2:
buffer[ib + 1] = sequence.getY(i); // Fall through
case 1:
buffer[ib] = sequence.getX(i); // Fall through
case 0:
ib += sourceDim;
if (--remainingBeforeFlush == 0) {
* The buffer is full, or we just copied the last coordinates.
* Transform the coordinates and flush to the destination array.
assert (ib % sourceDim) == 0;
final int n = ib / sourceDim;
transform.transform(buffer, 0, buffer, 0, n);
ib = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
//final Coordinate t;
// copy the transformed portion
int oi = 0;
for (; oi < targetDim; oi++) {
result.setOrdinate(it, oi, buffer[ib++]);
// copy over the non transformed portion
for (; oi < targetCSDim; oi++) {
result.setOrdinate(it, oi, sequence.getOrdinate(it, oi + (targetDim - sourceDim)));
// force to NaN eventual extra ordinates the sequence has (some are fixed size, wont'
// care about us trying to tell them a size). This works around a bug in the default
// JTS coordinate sequence implementation
for (; oi < result.getDimension(); oi++) {
result.setOrdinate(it, oi, Double.NaN);
assert ib == (n * targetDim);
ib = 0;