@param c_escape The escape character, when b_checkRightForEsc is true (this may not equal any member of ac_toTrim). When b_checkRightForEsc equals false, this must equal ' '. See <a href="#getEscapeChar()">getEscapeChar</a>.
@param b_validateParams If true, then all documented parameter restrictions are checked, and an <A HREF="~JD~ax~EJD~">AssertException</A> is thrown when any violation is found. When false, be darn-tooting sure the parameters coform to documented restrictions.
public TrimChars(char[] ac_toTrim, TALConfig tal_config, boolean b_checkRightForEsc, char c_escape, boolean b_validateParams) {
if(b_validateParams) {
PACChar pacc = new PACChar(ac_toTrim, (new PARCStrict(new PAROrderDir(true))));
pacc.crashIfBad(sT + sCNSTR, "ac_toTrim");
try {
if(!uStr.hasNoIllegalChars(tal_config.getLineSeparator(), ac_toTrim)) {
throwAX("constructor: tal_config.getLineSeparator() ('" + (new UtilString()).getVisible(tal_config.getLineSeparator()) + "') has at least one character that also exists in ac_toTrim: " + (new APChar(acToTrim)).getList("['", "', '", "']"));