//NOTE: this is a big hack because the API is not extendable
String prefix = HDKeyboard.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/') + "/images/";
//move the keyboard down
BView kbBgImage = (BView)getChild(0);
kbBgImage.setLocation(0, 80);
//modify the resource of the text input fields
BView dataField = (BView)getChild(getChildCount()-1);
dataField.setBounds(0, 0, textEntryWidth, 70);
BView dataFieldLeft = (BView)dataField.getChild(0);
dataFieldLeft.setBounds(0, 0, textEntryWidth - 40, 70);
dataFieldLeft.setResource(prefix + "keyboard-datafield.png", RSRC_HALIGN_LEFT);
BView dataFieldRight = (BView)dataField.getChild(1);
dataFieldRight.setBounds(textEntryWidth - 40, 0, 40, 70);
dataFieldRight.setResource(prefix + "keyboard-datafield.png", RSRC_HALIGN_RIGHT);
BText textField = (BText)dataField.getChild(2);
textField.setBounds(20, 2, dataField.getWidth() - 40, 70);
if (tips) {
BView tipsView = new BView(this, 600, 120, 276, 278);
tipsView.setResource(prefix + "keyboard-tips.png");