return wsdlOperation;
public WSDLOperationMapping getWSDLOperationMapping() {
if (wsdlOperationMapping != null) return wsdlOperationMapping;
OperationDispatcher opDispatcher = null;
if (endpoint != null) {
opDispatcher = endpoint.getOperationDispatcher();
} else if (proxy != null) {
opDispatcher = ((Stub) proxy).getOperationDispatcher();
//OpDispatcher is null when there is no WSDLModel
if (opDispatcher != null) {
try {
wsdlOperationMapping = opDispatcher.getWSDLOperationMapping(this);
} catch (DispatchException e) {
//Ignore, this might be a protocol message which may not have a wsdl operation
//"Cannot resolve wsdl operation that this Packet is targeted for.");