private Packet processRequest(Packet request) throws Exception {
AuthStatus status = AuthStatus.SUCCESS;
PacketMessageInfo info= new PacketMapMessageInfo(request,new Packet());
// XXX at this time, we expect the server subject to be null
Subject serverSubject = (Subject)
//could change the request packet
ServerAuthContext sAC =
Subject clientSubject = getClientSubject(request);
final Packet validatedRequest;
try {
if (sAC != null) {
// client subject must not be null
// and when return status is SUCCESS, module
// must have called handler.handle(CallerPrincipalCallback)
status = sAC.validateRequest(info,clientSubject,serverSubject);
} catch(Exception e) {
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"ws.error_validate_request", e);
WebServiceException wse = new WebServiceException
"Cannot validate request for {0}",
new Object[] { helper.getModelName() }),e);
//set status for audit
status = AuthStatus.SEND_FAILURE;
// if unable to determine if two-way will return empty response
return helper.getFaultResponse
} finally {
validatedRequest = info.getRequestPacket();
Packet response = null;
if (status == AuthStatus.SUCCESS) {
boolean authorized = false;
try {
authorized = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// not authorized, construct fault and proceded
response = helper.getFaultResponse
if (authorized) {
// only do doAdPriv if SecurityManager is in effect
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
try {
// proceed to invoke the endpoint
response = next.process(validatedRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "ws.error_next_pipe", e);
response = helper.getFaultResponse(validatedRequest, info.getResponsePacket(), e);
} else {
try {
response = (Packet)Subject.doAsPrivileged
(clientSubject,new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
// proceed to invoke the endpoint
return next.process(validatedRequest);
}, null);
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
Throwable cause = pae.getCause();
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"ws.error_next_pipe", cause);
response = helper.getFaultResponse
//pipes are not supposed to return a null response packet
if (response == null) {
WebServiceException wse = new WebServiceException
"Invocation of Service {0} returned null response packet",
new Object[] { helper.getModelName() }));
response = helper.getFaultResponse
// secure response, including if it is a fault
if (sAC != null && response.getMessage() != null) {
response = processResponse(info, sAC, serverSubject);
} else {