This conforms to the XML 1.0 specification. To configure an XML processor which tests document conformance against XML Namespaces, provide a DtdEventListener which examines declarations of entities and notations, and have your document listener check other constraints such as ensuring xmlns* attribute values properly declare all namespace prefixes. (Only element and attribute names may contain colons, and even then the name prefix before the colon must be properly declared.)
SAX parsers produce a stream of parse events, which applications process to create an object model which is specific to their tasks. Applications which do not want to process event streams in that way should use an API producing a standardized object model, such as the W3C's Document Object Model (DOM). This parser supports building fully conformant DOM Document objects, through use of DtdEventListener extensions to SAX in conjunction with an appropriate implementation of a SAX DocumentHandler. In addition, it supports some features (exposing comments, CDATA sections, and entity references) which are allowed by DOM but not required to be reported by conformant XML processors. (As usual, the default handler for parsing events other than fatal errors ignores them.) @see ValidatingParser @author David Brownell @version $Revision: 1.13 $