throw new AssertionError();
MimeType mt = Util.calcExpectedMediaType(seed,parent.builder);
if(mt!=null && !kind().canHaveXmlMimeType) {
parent.builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
mt = null;
this.expectedMimeType = mt;
this.inlineBinary = seed.hasAnnotation(XmlInlineBinaryData.class);
T t = seed.getRawType();
// check if there's an adapter applicable to the whole property
XmlJavaTypeAdapter xjta = getApplicableAdapter(t);
if(xjta!=null) {
isCollection = false;
adapter = new Adapter<T,C>(xjta,reader(),nav());
} else {
// check if the adapter is applicable to the individual item in the property
this.isCollection = nav().isSubClassOf(t, nav().ref(Collection.class))
|| nav().isArrayButNotByteArray(t);
xjta = getApplicableAdapter(getIndividualType());
if(xjta==null) {
// ugly ugly hack, but we implement swaRef as adapter
XmlAttachmentRef xsa = seed.readAnnotation(XmlAttachmentRef.class);
if(xsa!=null) {
parent.builder.hasSwaRef = true;
adapter = new Adapter<T,C>(nav().asDecl(SwaRefAdapter.class),nav());
} else {
adapter = null;
// if this field has adapter annotation but not applicable,
// that must be an error of the user
xjta = seed.readAnnotation(XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class);
if(xjta!=null) {
T ad = reader().getClassValue(xjta,"value");
parent.builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
nav().getTypeName(ad), nav().getTypeName(t)),