Package com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect

Examples of com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor$SetterOnlyReflection

        if(!(bi instanceof ClassBeanInfoImpl))
            throw new JAXBException(wrapperBean+" is not a bean");

        for( ClassBeanInfoImpl cb = (ClassBeanInfoImpl) bi; cb!=null; cb=cb.superClazz) {
            for (Property p : {
                final Accessor acc = p.getElementPropertyAccessor(nsUri,localName);
                    return new RawAccessor() {
                        // Accessor.set/get are designed for unmarshaller/marshaller, and hence
                        // they go through an adapter behind the scene.
                        // this isn't desirable for JAX-WS, which essentially uses this method
                        // just as a reflection library. So use the "unadapted" version to
                        // achieve the desired semantics
                        public Object get(Object bean) throws AccessorException {
                            return acc.getUnadapted(bean);

                        public void set(Object bean, Object value) throws AccessorException {
        throw new JAXBException(new QName(nsUri,localName)+" is not a valid property on "+wrapperBean);
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    private final Accessor acc;

    public RuntimeReferencePropertyInfoImpl(RuntimeClassInfoImpl classInfo, PropertySeed<Type,Class,Field,Method> seed) {
        Accessor rawAcc = ((RuntimeClassInfoImpl.RuntimePropertySeed)seed).getAccessor();
        if(getAdapter()!=null && !isCollection())
            // adapter for a single-value property is handled by accessor.
            // adapter for a collection property is handled by lister.
            rawAcc = rawAcc.adapt(getAdapter());
        this.acc = rawAcc;
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     * @return null
     *      if for some reason it fails to create an optimized version.
    public static final TransducedAccessor get(RuntimePropertyInfo prop) {
        Accessor acc = prop.getAccessor();

        // consider using an optimized TransducedAccessor implementations.
        Class opt=null;

        TypeInfo<Type,Class> parent = prop.parent();
        if(!(parent instanceof RuntimeClassInfo))
            return null;

        Class dc = ((RuntimeClassInfo)parent).getClazz();
        String newClassName = toVMClassName(dc)+"_JaxbXducedAccessor_"+prop.getName();

        if(acc instanceof Accessor.FieldReflection) {
            // TODO: we also need to make sure that the default xducer is used.
            Accessor.FieldReflection racc = (Accessor.FieldReflection) acc;
            Field field = racc.f;

            int mods = field.getModifiers();
            if(Modifier.isPrivate(mods) || Modifier.isFinal(mods))
                // we can't access private fields.
                // TODO: think about how to improve this case
                return null;

            Class<?> t = field.getType();
                opt = AccessorInjector.prepare( dc,
                    field.getName() );

        if(acc.getClass()==Accessor.GetterSetterReflection.class) {
            Accessor.GetterSetterReflection gacc = (Accessor.GetterSetterReflection) acc;

            if(gacc.getter==null || gacc.setter==null)
                return null;    // incomplete

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        if(!(bi instanceof ClassBeanInfoImpl))
            throw new JAXBException(wrapperBean+" is not a bean");

        for( ClassBeanInfoImpl cb = (ClassBeanInfoImpl) bi; cb!=null; cb=cb.superClazz) {
            for (Property p : {
                final Accessor acc = p.getElementPropertyAccessor(nsUri,localName);
                    return new RawAccessor() {
                        // Accessor.set/get are designed for unmarshaller/marshaller, and hence
                        // they go through an adapter behind the scene.
                        // this isn't desirable for JAX-WS, which essentially uses this method
                        // just as a reflection library. So use the "unadapted" version to
                        // achieve the desired semantics
                        public Object get(Object bean) throws AccessorException {
                            return acc.getUnadapted(bean);

                        public void set(Object bean, Object value) throws AccessorException {
        throw new JAXBException(new QName(nsUri,localName)+" is not a valid property on "+wrapperBean);
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     * @return null
     *      if for some reason it fails to create an optimized version.
    public static final TransducedAccessor get(RuntimePropertyInfo prop) {
        Accessor acc = prop.getAccessor();

        // consider using an optimized TransducedAccessor implementations.
        Class opt=null;

        TypeInfo<Type,Class> parent = prop.parent();
        if(!(parent instanceof RuntimeClassInfo))
            return null;

        Class dc = ((RuntimeClassInfo)parent).getClazz();
        String newClassName = toVMClassName(dc)+"_JaxbXducedAccessor_"+prop.getName();

        if(acc instanceof Accessor.FieldReflection) {
            // TODO: we also need to make sure that the default xducer is used.
            Accessor.FieldReflection racc = (Accessor.FieldReflection) acc;
            Field field = racc.f;

            int mods = field.getModifiers();
            if(Modifier.isPrivate(mods) || Modifier.isFinal(mods))
                // we can't access private fields.
                // TODO: think about how to improve this case
                return null;

            Class<?> t = field.getType();
                opt = AccessorInjector.prepare( dc,
                    field.getName() );

        if(acc.getClass()==Accessor.GetterSetterReflection.class) {
            Accessor.GetterSetterReflection gacc = (Accessor.GetterSetterReflection) acc;

            if(gacc.getter==null || gacc.setter==null)
                return null;    // incomplete

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    private NonElement<T,C> type;

    public SingleTypePropertyInfoImpl(ClassInfoImpl<T,C,F,M> classInfo, PropertySeed<T,C,F,M> seed) {
        super(classInfo, seed);
        if(this instanceof RuntimePropertyInfo) {
            Accessor rawAcc = ((RuntimeClassInfoImpl.RuntimePropertySeed)seed).getAccessor();
            if(getAdapter()!=null && !isCollection())
                // adapter for a single-value property is handled by accessor.
                // adapter for a collection property is handled by lister.
                rawAcc = rawAcc.adapt(((RuntimePropertyInfo)this).getAdapter());
            this.acc = rawAcc;
        } else
            this.acc = null;
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    protected RuntimePropertySeed createFieldSeed(Field field) {
       final boolean readOnly = Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers());
        Accessor acc;
        try {
            if (supressAccessorWarnings) {
                acc = ((InternalAccessorFactory)accessorFactory).createFieldAccessor(clazz, field, readOnly, supressAccessorWarnings);
            } else {
                acc = accessorFactory.createFieldAccessor(clazz, field, readOnly);
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        return new RuntimePropertySeed(super.createFieldSeed(field), acc );

    public RuntimePropertySeed createAccessorSeed(Method getter, Method setter) {
        Accessor acc;
        try {
            acc = accessorFactory.createPropertyAccessor(clazz, getter, setter);
        } catch(JAXBException e) {
            builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
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    private final Accessor acc;

    RuntimeElementPropertyInfoImpl(RuntimeClassInfoImpl classInfo, PropertySeed<Type,Class,Field,Method> seed) {
        super(classInfo, seed);
        Accessor rawAcc = ((RuntimeClassInfoImpl.RuntimePropertySeed)seed).getAccessor();
        if(getAdapter()!=null && !isCollection())
            // adapter for a single-value property is handled by accessor.
            // adapter for a collection property is handled by lister.
            rawAcc = rawAcc.adapt(getAdapter());
        this.acc = rawAcc;
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    private final Accessor acc;

    public RuntimeReferencePropertyInfoImpl(RuntimeClassInfoImpl classInfo, PropertySeed<Type,Class,Field,Method> seed) {
        Accessor rawAcc = ((RuntimeClassInfoImpl.RuntimePropertySeed)seed).getAccessor();
        if(getAdapter()!=null && !isCollection())
            // adapter for a single-value property is handled by accessor.
            // adapter for a collection property is handled by lister.
            rawAcc = rawAcc.adapt(getAdapter());
        this.acc = rawAcc;
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Related Classes of com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor$SetterOnlyReflection

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