protected void verifyCompilerClassLoading(String ceylon, final ModelComparison modelCompare){
// now compile the ceylon decl file
CeyloncTaskImpl task = getCompilerTask(ceylon);
// get the context to grab the phased units
Context context = task.getContext();
Boolean success = task.call();
PhasedUnits phasedUnits = LanguageCompiler.getPhasedUnitsInstance(context);
// find out what was in that file
Assert.assertEquals(2, phasedUnits.getPhasedUnits().size());
PhasedUnit one = phasedUnits.getPhasedUnits().get(0);
PhasedUnit two = phasedUnits.getPhasedUnits().get(1);
PhasedUnit phasedUnit = one.getUnitFile().getName().endsWith("module.ceylon")
? two : one;
final Map<String,Declaration> decls = new HashMap<String,Declaration>();
for(Declaration decl : phasedUnit.getUnit().getDeclarations()){
decls.put(getQualifiedPrefixedName(decl), decl);
// now compile the ceylon usage file
// remove the extension, make lowercase and add "test"
String testfile = ceylon.substring(0, ceylon.length()-7).toLowerCase()+"test.ceylon";
JavacTaskImpl task2 = getCompilerTask(testfile);
// get the context to grab the declarations
final Context context2 = task2.getContext();
// check the declarations after Enter but before the compilation is done otherwise we can't load lazy
// declarations from the jar anymore because we've overridden the jar and the javac jar index is corrupted
class Listener implements TaskListener{