
Examples of$ErrorType

            // create an environment for evaluating the base clauses
            Env<AttrContext> baseEnv = baseEnv(tree, env);

            // Determine supertype.
            Type supertype =
                (tree.extending != null)
                ? attr.attribBase(tree.extending, baseEnv, true, false, true)
                : ((tree.mods.flags & Flags.ENUM) != 0 && !target.compilerBootstrap(c))
                ? attr.attribBase(enumBase(tree.pos, c), baseEnv,
                                  true, false, false)
                : (c.fullname == names.java_lang_Object)
                ? Type.noType
                : syms.objectType;
            ct.supertype_field = modelMissingTypes(supertype, tree.extending, false);

            // Determine interfaces.
            ListBuffer<Type> interfaces = new ListBuffer<Type>();
            ListBuffer<Type> all_interfaces = null; // lazy init
            Set<Type> interfaceSet = new HashSet<Type>();
            List<JCExpression> interfaceTrees = tree.implementing;
            if ((tree.mods.flags & Flags.ENUM) != 0 && target.compilerBootstrap(c)) {
                // add interface Comparable<T>
                interfaceTrees =
                    interfaceTrees.prepend(make.Type(new ClassType(syms.comparableType.getEnclosingType(),
                // add interface Serializable
                interfaceTrees =
            for (JCExpression iface : interfaceTrees) {
                Type i = attr.attribBase(iface, baseEnv, false, true, true);
                if (i.tag == CLASS) {
                    if (all_interfaces != null) all_interfaces.append(i);
                    chk.checkNotRepeated(iface.pos(), types.erasure(i), interfaceSet);
                } else {
                    if (all_interfaces == null)
                        all_interfaces = new ListBuffer<Type>().appendList(interfaces);
                    all_interfaces.append(modelMissingTypes(i, iface, true));
            if ((c.flags_field & ANNOTATION) != 0) {
                ct.interfaces_field = List.of(syms.annotationType);
                ct.all_interfaces_field = ct.interfaces_field;
            else {
                ct.interfaces_field = interfaces.toList();
                ct.all_interfaces_field = (all_interfaces == null)
                        ? ct.interfaces_field : all_interfaces.toList();

            if (c.fullname == names.java_lang_Object) {
                if (tree.extending != null) {
                    ct.supertype_field = Type.noType;
                else if (tree.implementing.nonEmpty()) {
                    ct.interfaces_field = List.nil();

            // Annotations.
            // In general, we cannot fully process annotations yet,  but we
            // can attribute the annotation types and then check to see if the
            // @Deprecated annotation is present.
            attr.attribAnnotationTypes(tree.mods.annotations, baseEnv);
            if (hasDeprecatedAnnotation(tree.mods.annotations))
                c.flags_field |= DEPRECATED;
            annotateLater(tree.mods.annotations, baseEnv, c);


            attr.attribTypeVariables(tree.typarams, baseEnv);

            // Add default constructor if needed.
            if ((c.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0 &&
                !TreeInfo.hasConstructors(tree.defs)) {
                List<Type> argtypes = List.nil();
                List<Type> typarams = List.nil();
                List<Type> thrown = List.nil();
                long ctorFlags = 0;
                boolean based = false;
                if ( {
                    JCNewClass nc = (JCNewClass);
                    if (nc.constructor != null) {
                        Type superConstrType = types.memberType(c.type,
                        argtypes = superConstrType.getParameterTypes();
                        typarams = superConstrType.getTypeArguments();
                        ctorFlags = nc.constructor.flags() & VARARGS;
                        if (nc.encl != null) {
                            argtypes = argtypes.prepend(nc.encl.type);
                            based = true;
                        thrown = superConstrType.getThrownTypes();
                JCTree constrDef = DefaultConstructor(, c,
                                                    typarams, argtypes, thrown,
                                                    ctorFlags, based);
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        public void visitSelect(JCFieldAccess tree) {
            if (tree.type.tag != ERROR) {
                result = tree.type;
            } else {
                Type selectedType;
                boolean prev = interfaceExpected;
                try {
                    interfaceExpected = false;
                    selectedType = visit(tree.selected);
                } finally {
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    Type instantiatePoly(DiagnosticPosition pos, ForAll t, Type pt, Warner warn) throws Infer.NoInstanceException {
        if (pt == Infer.anyPoly && complexInference) {
            return t;
        } else if (pt == Infer.anyPoly || pt.tag == NONE) {
            Type newpt = t.qtype.tag <= VOID ? t.qtype : syms.objectType;
            return instantiatePoly(pos, t, newpt, warn);
        } else if (pt.tag == ERROR) {
            return pt;
        } else {
            try {
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    void checkVarargsMethodDecl(Env<AttrContext> env, JCMethodDecl tree) {
        MethodSymbol m = tree.sym;
        if (!allowSimplifiedVarargs) return;
        boolean hasTrustMeAnno = m.attribute(syms.trustMeType.tsym) != null;
        Type varargElemType = null;
        if (m.isVarArgs()) {
            varargElemType = types.elemtype(tree.params.last().type);
        if (hasTrustMeAnno && !isTrustMeAllowedOnMethod(m)) {
            if (varargElemType != null) {
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     * Check that vararg method call is sound
     * @param pos Position to be used for error reporting.
     * @param argtypes Actual arguments supplied to vararg method.
    void checkVararg(DiagnosticPosition pos, List<Type> argtypes, Symbol msym) {
        Type argtype = argtypes.last();
        if (!types.isReifiable(argtype) &&
                (!allowSimplifiedVarargs ||
                msym.attribute(syms.trustMeType.tsym) == null ||
                !isTrustMeAllowedOnMethod(msym))) {
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            args = type.getTypeArguments();
            List<Type> tvars = tvars_buf.toList();

            while (args.nonEmpty() && tvars.nonEmpty()) {
                Type actual = types.subst(args.head,
                if (!isTypeArgErroneous(actual) &&
                        !tvars.head.getUpperBound().isErroneous() &&
                        !checkExtends(actual, (TypeVar)tvars.head)) {
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                          Flag.PACKAGE :
                          asFlagSet(other.flags() & AccessFlags));

        Type mt = types.memberType(origin.type, m);
        Type ot = types.memberType(origin.type, other);
        // Error if overriding result type is different
        // (or, in the case of generics mode, not a subtype) of
        // overridden result type. We have to rename any type parameters
        // before comparing types.
        List<Type> mtvars = mt.getTypeArguments();
        List<Type> otvars = ot.getTypeArguments();
        Type mtres = mt.getReturnType();
        Type otres = types.subst(ot.getReturnType(), otvars, mtvars);

        boolean resultTypesOK =
            types.returnTypeSubstitutable(mt, ot, otres, overrideWarner);
        if (!resultTypesOK) {
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            // in the supertype.
            // If the method, m, is not defined in an interface, then the only time we need to
            // address the issue is when the method is the supertype implemementation: any other
            // case, we will have dealt with when examining the supertype classes
            ClassSymbol mc = m.enclClass();
            Type st = types.supertype(origin.type);
            if (st.tag != CLASS)
                return true;
            MethodSymbol stimpl = m.implementation((ClassSymbol)st.tsym, types, false);

            if (mc != null && ((mc.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0)) {
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     *  with the same signature.
     *  @param pos          Position to be used for error reporting.
     *  @param site         The class type to be checked.
    public void checkCompatibleConcretes(DiagnosticPosition pos, Type site) {
        Type sup = types.supertype(site);
        if (sup.tag != CLASS) return;

        for (Type t1 = sup;
             t1 = types.supertype(t1)) {
            for (Scope.Entry e1 = t1.tsym.members().elems;
                 e1 != null;
                 e1 = e1.sibling) {
                Symbol s1 = e1.sym;
                if (s1.kind != MTH ||
                    (s1.flags() & (STATIC|SYNTHETIC|BRIDGE)) != 0 ||
                    !s1.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types) ||
                                                      true) != s1)
                Type st1 = types.memberType(t1, s1);
                int s1ArgsLength = st1.getParameterTypes().length();
                if (st1 == s1.type) continue;

                for (Type t2 = sup;
                     t2.tag == CLASS;
                     t2 = types.supertype(t2)) {
                    for (Scope.Entry e2 = t2.tsym.members().lookup(;
                         e2.scope != null;
                         e2 = {
                        Symbol s2 = e2.sym;
                        if (s2 == s1 ||
                            s2.kind != MTH ||
                            (s2.flags() & (STATIC|SYNTHETIC|BRIDGE)) != 0 ||
                            s2.type.getParameterTypes().length() != s1ArgsLength ||
                            !s2.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types) ||
                                                              true) != s2)
                        Type st2 = types.memberType(t2, s2);
                        if (types.overrideEquivalent(st1, st2))
                            log.error(pos, "concrete.inheritance.conflict",
                                      s1, t1, s2, t2, sup);
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    /** Return the first method in t2 that conflicts with a method from t1. */
    private Symbol firstDirectIncompatibility(DiagnosticPosition pos, Type t1, Type t2, Type site) {
        for (Scope.Entry e1 = t1.tsym.members().elems; e1 != null; e1 = e1.sibling) {
            Symbol s1 = e1.sym;
            Type st1 = null;
            if (s1.kind != MTH || !s1.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)) continue;
            Symbol impl = ((MethodSymbol)s1).implementation(site.tsym, types, false);
            if (impl != null && (impl.flags() & ABSTRACT) == 0) continue;
            for (Scope.Entry e2 = t2.tsym.members().lookup(; e2.scope != null; e2 = {
                Symbol s2 = e2.sym;
                if (s1 == s2) continue;
                if (s2.kind != MTH || !s2.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)) continue;
                if (st1 == null) st1 = types.memberType(t1, s1);
                Type st2 = types.memberType(t2, s2);
                if (types.overrideEquivalent(st1, st2)) {
                    List<Type> tvars1 = st1.getTypeArguments();
                    List<Type> tvars2 = st2.getTypeArguments();
                    Type rt1 = st1.getReturnType();
                    Type rt2 = types.subst(st2.getReturnType(), tvars2, tvars1);
                    boolean compat =
                        types.isSameType(rt1, rt2) ||
                        rt1.tag >= CLASS && rt2.tag >= CLASS &&
                        (types.covariantReturnType(rt1, rt2, Warner.noWarnings) ||
                         types.covariantReturnType(rt2, rt1, Warner.noWarnings)) ||
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Related Classes of$ErrorType

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