
Examples of$CapturedUndetVar

        case MTH:
            if (m1 == m2) return m1;
            boolean m1SignatureMoreSpecific = signatureMoreSpecific(env, site, m1, m2, allowBoxing, useVarargs);
            boolean m2SignatureMoreSpecific = signatureMoreSpecific(env, site, m2, m1, allowBoxing, useVarargs);
            if (m1SignatureMoreSpecific && m2SignatureMoreSpecific) {
                Type mt1 = types.memberType(site, m1);
                Type mt2 = types.memberType(site, m2);
                if (!types.overrideEquivalent(mt1, mt2))
                    return ambiguityError(m1, m2);

                // same signature; select (a) the non-bridge method, or
                // (b) the one that overrides the other, or (c) the concrete
                // one, or (d) merge both abstract signatures
                if ((m1.flags() & BRIDGE) != (m2.flags() & BRIDGE))
                    return ((m1.flags() & BRIDGE) != 0) ? m2 : m1;

                // if one overrides or hides the other, use it
                TypeSymbol m1Owner = (TypeSymbol)m1.owner;
                TypeSymbol m2Owner = (TypeSymbol)m2.owner;
                if (types.asSuper(m1Owner.type, m2Owner) != null &&
                    ((m1.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) == 0 ||
                     (m2.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) != 0) &&
                    m1.overrides(m2, m1Owner, types, false))
                    return m1;
                if (types.asSuper(m2Owner.type, m1Owner) != null &&
                    ((m2.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) == 0 ||
                     (m1.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) != 0) &&
                    m2.overrides(m1, m2Owner, types, false))
                    return m2;
                boolean m1Abstract = (m1.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0;
                boolean m2Abstract = (m2.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0;
                if (m1Abstract && !m2Abstract) return m2;
                if (m2Abstract && !m1Abstract) return m1;
                // both abstract or both concrete
                if (!m1Abstract && !m2Abstract)
                    return ambiguityError(m1, m2);
                // check that both signatures have the same erasure
                if (!types.isSameTypes(m1.erasure(types).getParameterTypes(),
                    return ambiguityError(m1, m2);
                // both abstract, neither overridden; merge throws clause and result type
                Symbol mostSpecific;
                if (types.returnTypeSubstitutable(mt1, mt2))
                    mostSpecific = m1;
                else if (types.returnTypeSubstitutable(mt2, mt1))
                    mostSpecific = m2;
                else {
                    // Theoretically, this can't happen, but it is possible
                    // due to error recovery or mixing incompatible class files
                    return ambiguityError(m1, m2);
                List<Type> allThrown = chk.intersect(mt1.getThrownTypes(), mt2.getThrownTypes());
                Type newSig = types.createMethodTypeWithThrown(mostSpecific.type, allThrown);
                MethodSymbol result = new MethodSymbol(
                        mostSpecific.owner) {
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    private boolean signatureMoreSpecific(Env<AttrContext> env, Type site, Symbol m1, Symbol m2, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs) {
        Type mtype1 = types.memberType(site, adjustVarargs(m1, m2, useVarargs));
        Type mtype2 = instantiate(env, site, adjustVarargs(m2, m1, useVarargs),
                types.lowerBoundArgtypes(mtype1), null,
                allowBoxing, false, noteWarner);
        return mtype2 != null &&
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        List<Type> fromArgs = from.type.getParameterTypes();
        List<Type> toArgs = to.type.getParameterTypes();
        if (useVarargs &&
                (from.flags() & VARARGS) != 0 &&
                (to.flags() & VARARGS) != 0) {
            Type varargsTypeFrom = fromArgs.last();
            Type varargsTypeTo = toArgs.last();
            ListBuffer<Type> args =;
            if (toArgs.length() < fromArgs.length()) {
                //if we are checking a varargs method 'from' against another varargs
                //method 'to' (where arity of 'to' < arity of 'from') then expand signature
                //of 'to' to 'fit' arity of 'from' (this means adding fake formals to 'to'
                //until 'to' signature has the same arity as 'from')
                while (fromArgs.head != varargsTypeFrom) {
                    args.append(toArgs.head == varargsTypeTo ? types.elemtype(varargsTypeTo) : toArgs.head);
                    fromArgs = fromArgs.tail;
                    toArgs = toArgs.head == varargsTypeTo ?
                        toArgs :
            } else {
                //formal argument list is same as original list where last
                //argument (array type) is removed
            //append varargs element type as last synthetic formal
            Type mtype = types.createMethodTypeWithParameters(to.type, args.toList());
            return new MethodSymbol(to.flags_field & ~VARARGS,, mtype, to.owner);
        } else {
            return to;
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            return sym;

        Scope.Entry e = env.toplevel.namedImportScope.lookup(name);
        for (; e.scope != null; e = {
            sym = e.sym;
            Type origin = e.getOrigin().owner.type;
            if (sym.kind == MTH) {
                if (e.sym.owner.type != origin)
                    sym = sym.clone(e.getOrigin().owner);
                if (!isAccessible(env, origin, sym))
                    sym = new AccessError(env, origin, sym);
                bestSoFar = selectBest(env, origin,
                                       argtypes, typeargtypes,
                                       sym, bestSoFar,
                                       allowBoxing, useVarargs, false);
        if (bestSoFar.exists())
            return bestSoFar;

        e = env.toplevel.starImportScope.lookup(name);
        for (; e.scope != null; e = {
            sym = e.sym;
            Type origin = e.getOrigin().owner.type;
            if (sym.kind == MTH) {
                if (e.sym.owner.type != origin)
                    sym = sym.clone(e.getOrigin().owner);
                if (!isAccessible(env, origin, sym))
                    sym = new AccessError(env, origin, sym);
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                    ? e.sym
                    : new AccessError(env, site, e.sym);
            e =;
        Type st = types.supertype(c.type);
        if (st != null && st.tag == CLASS) {
            sym = findMemberType(env, site, name, st.tsym);
            if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym;
        for (List<Type> l = types.interfaces(c.type);
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    Symbol findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(Env<AttrContext> env, Type site,
                                            Name name,
                                            MethodSymbol spMethod,  // sig. poly. method or null if none
                                            List<Type> argtypes) {
        Type mtype = infer.instantiatePolymorphicSignatureInstance(env,
                site, name, spMethod, argtypes);
                    (spMethod != null ?
                        spMethod.flags() & Flags.AccessFlags :
                        Flags.PUBLIC | Flags.STATIC);
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    Type resolveImplicitThis(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env, Type t) {
        return resolveImplicitThis(pos, env, t, false);

    Type resolveImplicitThis(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env, Type t, boolean isSuperCall) {
        Type thisType = (((t.tsym.owner.kind & (MTH|VAR)) != 0)
                         ? resolveSelf(pos, env, t.getEnclosingType().tsym, names._this)
                         : resolveSelfContaining(pos, env, t.tsym, isSuperCall)).type;
        if ( && thisType.tsym == env.enclClass.sym)
            log.error(pos, "cant.ref.before.ctor.called", "this");
        return thisType;
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        // We are casting from type $from$ to type $to$, which are
        // non-final unrelated types.  This method
        // tries to reject a cast by transferring type parameters
        // from $to$ to $from$ by common superinterfaces.
        boolean reverse = false;
        Type target = to;
        if ((to.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0) {
            Assert.check((from.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0);
            reverse = true;
            to = from;
            from = target;
        List<Type> commonSupers = superClosure(to, erasure(from));
        boolean giveWarning = commonSupers.isEmpty();
        // The arguments to the supers could be unified here to
        // get a more accurate analysis
        while (commonSupers.nonEmpty()) {
            Type t1 = asSuper(from, commonSupers.head.tsym);
            Type t2 = commonSupers.head; // same as asSuper(to, commonSupers.head.tsym);
            if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
                return false;
            giveWarning = giveWarning || (reverse ? giveWarning(t2, t1) : giveWarning(t1, t2));
            commonSupers = commonSupers.tail;
        if (giveWarning && !isReifiable(reverse ? from : to))
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        // unrelated types one of which is final and the other of
        // which is an interface.  This method
        // tries to reject a cast by transferring type parameters
        // from the final class to the interface.
        boolean reverse = false;
        Type target = to;
        if ((to.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0) {
            Assert.check((from.tsym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0);
            reverse = true;
            to = from;
            from = target;
        Assert.check((from.tsym.flags() & FINAL) != 0);
        Type t1 = asSuper(from, to.tsym);
        if (t1 == null) return false;
        Type t2 = to;
        if (disjointTypes(t1.getTypeArguments(), t2.getTypeArguments()))
            return false;
        if (!allowCovariantReturns)
            // reject if there is a common method signature with
            // incompatible return types.
            chk.checkCompatibleAbstracts(warn.pos(), from, to);
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    private void adjustAbstractMethod(ClassSymbol c,
                                      MethodSymbol pm,
                                      MethodSymbol im) {
        MethodType pmt = (MethodType)pm.type;
        Type imt = types.memberType(c.type, im);
        pmt.thrown = chk.intersect(pmt.getThrownTypes(), imt.getThrownTypes());
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