
Examples of$Visitor

        Type argtype = (JCTree.PREINC <= tree.getTag() && tree.getTag() <= JCTree.POSTDEC)
            ? attribTree(tree.arg, env, VAR, Type.noType)
            : chk.checkNonVoid(tree.arg.pos(), attribExpr(tree.arg, env));

        // Find operator.
        Symbol operator = tree.operator =
            rs.resolveUnaryOperator(tree.pos(), tree.getTag(), env, argtype);

        Type owntype = types.createErrorType(tree.type);
        if (operator.kind == MTH &&
                !argtype.isErroneous()) {
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        // Attribute arguments.
        Type left = chk.checkNonVoid(tree.lhs.pos(), attribExpr(tree.lhs, env));
        Type right = chk.checkNonVoid(tree.lhs.pos(), attribExpr(tree.rhs, env));

        // Find operator.
        Symbol operator = tree.operator =
            rs.resolveBinaryOperator(tree.pos(), tree.getTag(), env, left, right);

        Type owntype = types.createErrorType(tree.type);
        if (operator.kind == MTH &&
                !left.isErroneous() &&
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        if ((pkind & VAR) == 0) owntype = capture(owntype);
        result = check(tree, owntype, VAR, pkind, pt);

    public void visitIdent(JCIdent tree) {
        Symbol sym;
        boolean varArgs = false;

        // Find symbol
        if (pt.tag == METHOD || pt.tag == FORALL) {
            // If we are looking for a method, the prototype `pt' will be a
            // method type with the type of the call's arguments as parameters.
   = false;
            sym = rs.resolveMethod(tree.pos(), env,, pt.getParameterTypes(), pt.getTypeArguments());
            varArgs =;
        } else if (tree.sym != null && tree.sym.kind != VAR) {
            sym = tree.sym;
        } else {
            sym = rs.resolveIdent(tree.pos(), env,, pkind);
        tree.sym = sym;

        // (1) Also find the environment current for the class where
        //     sym is defined (`symEnv').
        // Only for pre-tiger versions (1.4 and earlier):
        // (2) Also determine whether we access symbol out of an anonymous
        //     class in a this or super call.  This is illegal for instance
        //     members since such classes don't carry a this$n link.
        //     (`noOuterThisPath').
        Env<AttrContext> symEnv = env;
        boolean noOuterThisPath = false;
        if (env.enclClass.sym.owner.kind != PCK && // we are in an inner class
            (sym.kind & (VAR | MTH | TYP)) != 0 &&
            sym.owner.kind == TYP &&
   != names._this && != names._super) {

            // Find environment in which identifier is defined.
            while (symEnv.outer != null &&
                   !sym.isMemberOf(symEnv.enclClass.sym, types)) {
                if ((symEnv.enclClass.sym.flags() & NOOUTERTHIS) != 0)
                    noOuterThisPath = !allowAnonOuterThis;
                symEnv = symEnv.outer;

        // If symbol is a variable, ...
        if (sym.kind == VAR) {
            VarSymbol v = (VarSymbol)sym;

            // ..., evaluate its initializer, if it has one, and check for
            // illegal forward reference.
            checkInit(tree, env, v, false);

            // If symbol is a local variable accessed from an embedded
            // inner class check that it is final.
            if (v.owner.kind == MTH &&
                v.owner != &&
                (v.flags_field & FINAL) == 0) {

            // If we are expecting a variable (as opposed to a value), check
            // that the variable is assignable in the current environment.
            if (pkind == VAR)
                checkAssignable(tree.pos(), v, null, env);

        // In a constructor body,
        // if symbol is a field or instance method, check that it is
        // not accessed before the supertype constructor is called.
        if (( || noOuterThisPath) &&
            (sym.kind & (VAR | MTH)) != 0 &&
            sym.owner.kind == TYP &&
            (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0) {
            chk.earlyRefError(tree.pos(), sym.kind == VAR ? sym : thisSym(tree.pos(), env));
        Env<AttrContext> env1 = env;
        if (sym.kind != ERR && sym.kind != TYP && sym.owner != null && sym.owner != env1.enclClass.sym) {
            // If the found symbol is inaccessible, then it is
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        // If qualifier symbol is a type or `super', assert `selectSuper'
        // for the selection. This is relevant for determining whether
        // protected symbols are accessible.
        Symbol sitesym = TreeInfo.symbol(tree.selected);
        boolean selectSuperPrev =; =
            sitesym != null &&
   == names._super;

        // If selected expression is polymorphic, strip
        // type parameters and remember in, so that
        // they can be added later (in Attr.checkId and Infer.instantiateMethod).
        if (tree.selected.type.tag == FORALL) {
            ForAll pstype = (ForAll)tree.selected.type;
   = pstype.tvars;
            site = tree.selected.type = pstype.qtype;

        // Determine the symbol represented by the selection. = false;
        Symbol sym = selectSym(tree, sitesym, site, env, pt, pkind);
        if (sym.exists() && !isType(sym) && (pkind & (PCK | TYP)) != 0) {
            site = capture(site);
            sym = selectSym(tree, sitesym, site, env, pt, pkind);
        boolean varArgs =;
        tree.sym = sym;

        if (site.tag == TYPEVAR && !isType(sym) && sym.kind != ERR) {
            while (site.tag == TYPEVAR) site = site.getUpperBound();
            site = capture(site);

        // If that symbol is a variable, ...
        if (sym.kind == VAR) {
            VarSymbol v = (VarSymbol)sym;

            // ..., evaluate its initializer, if it has one, and check for
            // illegal forward reference.
            checkInit(tree, env, v, true);

            // If we are expecting a variable (as opposed to a value), check
            // that the variable is assignable in the current environment.
            if (pkind == VAR)
                checkAssignable(tree.pos(), v, tree.selected, env);

        if (sitesym != null &&
                sitesym.kind == VAR &&
                ((VarSymbol)sitesym).isResourceVariable() &&
                sym.kind == MTH &&
                sym.overrides(syms.autoCloseableClose, sitesym.type.tsym, types, true) &&
            log.warning(LintCategory.TRY, tree, "");

        // Disallow selecting a type from an expression
        if (isType(sym) && (sitesym==null || (sitesym.kind&(TYP|PCK)) == 0)) {
            tree.type = check(tree.selected, pt,
                              sitesym == null ? VAL : sitesym.kind, TYP|PCK, pt);

        if (isType(sitesym)) {
            if ( == names._this) {
                // If `C' is the currently compiled class, check that
                // C.this' does not appear in a call to a super(...)
                if ( &&
                    site.tsym == env.enclClass.sym) {
                    chk.earlyRefError(tree.pos(), sym);
            } else {
                // Check if type-qualified fields or methods are static (JLS)
                if ((sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0 &&
           != names._super &&
                    (sym.kind == VAR || sym.kind == MTH)) {
                    rs.access( StaticError(sym),
                              tree.pos(), site,, true);
        } else if (sym.kind != ERR && (sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0 && != names._class) {
            // If the qualified item is not a type and the selected item is static, report
            // a warning. Make allowance for the class of an array type e.g. Object[].class)
            chk.warnStatic(tree, "", Kinds.kindName(sym.kind), sym.owner);

        // If we are selecting an instance member via a `super', ...
        if ( && (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0) {

            // Check that super-qualified symbols are not abstract (JLS)
            rs.checkNonAbstract(tree.pos(), sym);

            if (site.isRaw()) {
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                    t = new ClassType(t.getEnclosingType(), typeargs, t.tsym);
                    return new VarSymbol(
                        STATIC | PUBLIC | FINAL, names._class, t, site.tsym);
                } else {
                    // We are seeing a plain identifier as selector.
                    Symbol sym = rs.findIdentInType(env, site, name, pkind);
                    if ((pkind & ERRONEOUS) == 0)
                        sym = rs.access(sym, pos, location, site, name, true);
                    return sym;
            case WILDCARD:
                throw new AssertionError(tree);
            case TYPEVAR:
                // Normally, site.getUpperBound() shouldn't be null.
                // It should only happen during memberEnter/attribBase
                // when determining the super type which *must* beac
                // done before attributing the type variables.  In
                // other words, we are seeing this illegal program:
                // class B<T> extends A<> {}
                Symbol sym = (site.getUpperBound() != null)
                    ? selectSym(tree, location, capture(site.getUpperBound()), env, pt, pkind)
                    : null;
                if (sym == null) {
                    log.error(pos, "");
                    return syms.errSymbol;
                } else {
                    Symbol sym2 = (sym.flags() & Flags.PRIVATE) != 0 ?
               AccessError(env, site, sym) :
                    rs.access(sym2, pos, location, site, name, true);
                    return sym;
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            // Check that declarations in inner classes are not static (JLS 8.1.2)
            // Make an exception for static constants.
            if (c.owner.kind != PCK &&
                ((c.flags() & STATIC) == 0 || == names.empty) &&
                (TreeInfo.flags(l.head) & (STATIC | INTERFACE)) != 0) {
                Symbol sym = null;
                if (l.head.getTag() == JCTree.VARDEF) sym = ((JCVariableDecl) l.head).sym;
                if (sym == null ||
                    sym.kind != VAR ||
                    ((VarSymbol) sym).getConstValue() == null)
                    log.error(l.head.pos(), "icls.cant.have.static.decl", c);
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    /** An environment is an "initializer" if it is a constructor or
     *  an instance initializer.
    static boolean isInitializer(Env<AttrContext> env) {
        Symbol owner =;
        return owner.isConstructor() ||
            owner.owner.kind == TYP &&
            (owner.kind == VAR ||
             owner.kind == MTH && (owner.flags() & BLOCK) != 0) &&
            (owner.flags() & STATIC) == 0;
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    private boolean notOverriddenIn(Type site, Symbol sym) {
        if (sym.kind != MTH || sym.isConstructor() || sym.isStatic())
            return true;
        else {
            Symbol s2 = ((MethodSymbol)sym).implementation(site.tsym, types, true);
            return (s2 == null || s2 == sym || sym.owner == s2.owner ||
                    s2.isPolymorphicSignatureGeneric() ||
                    !types.isSubSignature(types.memberType(site, s2), types.memberType(site, sym)));
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                argtypes = argtypes.tail;
            //check varargs element type accessibility
            if (!isAccessible(env, elt)) {
                Symbol location = env.enclClass.sym;
                throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage("inaccessible.varargs.type",
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        genExpr(tree.index, syms.intType).load();
        result = items.makeIndexedItem(tree.type);

    public void visitIdent(JCIdent tree) {
        Symbol sym = tree.sym;
        if ( == names._this || == names._super) {
            Item res = == names._this
                ? items.makeThisItem()
                : items.makeSuperItem();
            if (sym.kind == MTH) {
                // Generate code to address the constructor.
                res = items.makeMemberItem(sym, true);
            result = res;
        } else if (sym.kind == VAR && sym.owner.kind == MTH) {
            result = items.makeLocalItem((VarSymbol)sym);
        } else if ((sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) {
            if (!isAccessSuper(env.enclMethod))
                sym = binaryQualifier(sym, env.enclClass.type);
            result = items.makeStaticItem(sym);
        } else {
            sym = binaryQualifier(sym, env.enclClass.type);
            result = items.makeMemberItem(sym, (sym.flags() & PRIVATE) != 0);
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