return never();
public CElement complexType(XSComplexType type) {
CElement ci = allow(type,type.getName());
if(ci!=null) return ci;
// no customization is given -- do as the default binding.
BindInfo bi = builder.getBindInfo(type);
if(type.isGlobal()) {
QName tagName = null;
String className = deriveName(type);
Locator loc = type.getLocator();
if(getGlobalBinding().isSimpleMode()) {
// in the simple mode, we may optimize it away
XSElementDecl referer = getSoleElementReferer(type);
if(referer!=null && isCollapsable(referer)) {
// if a global element contains
// a collpsable complex type, we bind this element to a named one
// and collapses element and complex type.
tagName = getName(referer);
className = deriveName(referer);
loc = referer.getLocator();
// by default, global ones get their own classes.
JPackage pkg = selector.getPackage(type.getTargetNamespace());
return new CClassInfo(model,pkg,className, loc,getTypeName(type),tagName,type,bi.toCustomizationList());
} else {
XSElementDecl element = type.getScope();
if( element.isGlobal() && isCollapsable(element)) {
// the parent element was bound to a class. Don't bind this again to
// cause unnecessary wrapping
return null;
// generate one class from element and complex type together.
// this needs to be done before selector.isBound to avoid infinite recursion.
// but avoid doing so when the element is mapped to a class,
// which creates unnecessary classes
return new CClassInfo( model, selector.getClassScope(),
deriveName(element), element.getLocator(), null,
getName(element), element, bi.toCustomizationList() );
CElement parentType = selector.isBound(element,type);
String className;
CClassInfoParent scope;