public void checkXStringSubstitution()
xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();
log.println("---- Testing the XStringSubstitution interface ----");
log.println("Create intance of test object.\n");
XStringSubstitution oObj = null;
try {
Object x = xMSF.createInstance(
oObj = (XStringSubstitution)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStringSubstitution.class, x);
if (oObj == null) throw new;
catch( e) {
log.println("Message: " + e.getMessage());
failed("Could not create an instance of the test object.");
for (int i=0; i<substVars.size(); i++) {
String var = substVars.getVariable(i);
log.println("Testing var '" + var + "'");
try {
String substVal = oObj.getSubstituteVariableValue(var);
log.println("\tvalue '" + substVal + "'");
// simple check: let path in a string replace
String substString = var + "/additional/path";
log.println("Substitute '"+substString+"'");
String newValue = oObj.substituteVariables(substString, true);
log.println("Return value '"+newValue+"'");
// 2do: better check for correct substitution
assure("Did not substitute '"
+ substString+"' to '" + newValue
+ "' correctly:", newValue.startsWith(substVal));
// simple check part two:
//make substitution backwards if possible
if (substVars.canReSubstitute(i)) {
substString = substVal + "/additional/path";
log.println("Substitute backwards '"+substString+"'");
newValue = oObj.reSubstituteVariables(substString);
log.println("Return value '"+newValue+"'");
// 2do: better check for correct substitution
assure("Did not reSubstitute '"
+ substString + "' to '" + newValue
+ "' correctly:", checkResubstitute(newValue, var));
// simple check part three: look if replace
//in middle of text works
substString = "file:///starting/" + var + "/path";
log.println("Substitute '"+substString+"'");
newValue = oObj.substituteVariables(substString, false);
log.println("Return value '"+newValue+"'");
boolean erg = true;
// in this case it should not have worked
erg = newValue.indexOf(substVal)==-1;
erg = newValue.indexOf(substVal)!=-1;
assure("Did not substitute '"
+ substString + "' to '" + newValue
+ "' correctly:", erg);
catch( e) {
log.println("Message: " + e.getMessage());
failed("Could not create an instance of the test object.");
log.println("Finish testing '" + var + "'\n");
// check of greedy resubstitution
String prog = "$(prog)";
String inst = "$(inst)";
String instPth = substVars.getValue(inst);
String progPth = substVars.getValue(prog);
if (progPth.startsWith(instPth) && instPth.startsWith(progPth)) {
log.println("Greedy ReSubstitute");
String substString = progPth + "/additional/path";
String newVal = oObj.reSubstituteVariables(substString);
log.println("String '" + substString +
"' should be resubstituted with");
log.println("Variable '" + prog + "' instead of Variable '" +
inst + "'");
assure("Did not reSubstitute '" + substString